PPC19: The Gorilla Prototype Sample

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post I told you a bit of what I had in mind for our next pattern design and showed you the original sketches. And here’s the deal… if you’re a fan of our Purse Pattern Chronicles series, then you know that normally what’s next on our agenda is a sample “prototype”, which is…

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This Year’s “Road” Show

Studio Kat Designs

So… with this year’s Road to California show in the books, its time to let you know how it went, and to be honest  we can sum up the entirety of the show in one single word, and that would be… AWESOME… totally AWESOME! First of all, when we walked into the Convention Center on…

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PPC19: Inspiration & Sketchwork

Studio Kat Designs

So… it’s a new year and it feels like its LONG past time to get back into a routine, which for us means starting work on a new bag design! Yep, that means we’re looking down that long road that eventually culminates in a brand new bag pattern! It’s exciting, and scary, and fraught with…

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The Right “Under Garments”

Soft and Stable Business Card Studio Kat Designs

So… this is a subject I’ve been giving consideration to for quite sometime now. As a matter of fact, I’ve actually sat down and started to write this post several times over the past year, only to set it to the side for another day. Why, you might ask? Well, let me answer this question by…

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NEW for Road to California 2019!

Studio Kat Designs

So…. we’ve got some BIG changes coming up for the 2019 Road to California Quilter’s Conference this month! Now I know you’re probably thinking… “Why on earth would you change anything about your booth after how FANTASTIC the shows in Houston were in November?”  And you know what? Normally I’d say you were right, we…

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Our New POS System

Studio Kat Designs

So… forgetting to bring my iPad to the AQS Virginia Beach show revealed a serious flaw in our POS (point of sale) system… that being, that we had absolutely NO backup for our checkout procedure, which is pretty darned serious if you think about it! That’s because at least half of our sales at a…

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Freight Woes & a Possible Solution (I hope!)

Studio Kat Designs

So… it’s that time of year again! It’s time to figure out a way to get all of our freight to Ontario, California for the Road to California Quilter’s Showcase! Actually… I started working on getting our freight to California just before Thanksgiving, because here’s the deal… whether we’re shipping to Houston or to Ontario,…

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Our Goals for 2019

Studio Kat Designs

So… in a recent post, I told you about some of the things that worked well for us in 2018, as well as some of the things that didn’t quite go as I had hoped. And now, with our 2018 assessment completed, I’m ready to talk a bit about our goals for the new year,…

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2018 – What Worked & What Didn’t

Studio Kat Designs

So… 2018 is almost over, so it’s time for us to sit down and do a long, hard, look at what we did right over the course of the last 12 months, as well as what we didn’t do quite as well as we had hoped.  So here’s how it went this year. First –…

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Quilt Market & Festival, Houston 2018

Studio Kat Designs

So… as you might suspect, the two weeks that we spend in Houston each Fall for the Quilt Market & Festival are ultra-important for us. Black Friday may fall on the Friday after Thanksgiving for most other businesses, but our Black Friday typically occurs sometime in between these two shows! Consequently we’ve grown to love…

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