Otherwise known as “Kat Tricks”!
The ideas listed below involve techniques that I have actually used on several of the bags you see on this website. The best part about these techniques is that nothing has to be perfect, in order for the final result to look FANTASTIC! Cut pieces don’t have to be symmetrical, and the angles don’t have to all be the same.
Or, if you’d rather work with pattern pieces, our new eBook, RockStar Peacework may be just what you’ve been waiting for. It’s loaded with killer content that show you how to incorporate creativity into your everyday style! Click here for more information about RockStar Peacework.
*If your dialup connection is just too slow for this, or if you just don’t like downloading things on the internet, then I will be glad to snail mail you this Kat “Trick”. Just send a $2.50/PER “Kat Trick” to the address below, and I’ll get it right out to you!
StudioKat Designs
137 S. Hemingway Ct.
Advance, NC 27006