PPC22: The 1st Gorilla Sample

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post in this, our 22nd cycle (can you believe it?) of Purse Pattern Chronicles, I showed you the 1st prototype for our next pattern design. If you recall, I was reasonably pleased with the 1st prototype I made so I went ahead and made a complete set of templates (including interior…

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Eye Candy for July 2020

Studio Kat Designs

So… ALL of the bags pictured below were created using our patterns & either shared on our FaceBook Group page, or mailed to us directly!But here’s the deal… I really love the collection of bags we’re showing you this month especially because so many of our designs are represented! seriously AMAZING! So let’s get started!…

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PPC22: The Prototype

Studio Kat Designs

So… In our last post, which was the first in this, the newest edition of Purse Pattern Chronicles, I showed you the original sketches of what will eventually become our next pattern and told you about my vision for it, which means that now its time for the rubber to hit the road… in other…

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PPC22: Sketch-a-Bag

Studio Kat Designs

So… it might seem like it’s WAY too early to be starting a new cycle of “Purse Pattern Chronicles” because it was just a few weeks ago that we released our newest pattern, the Side Slinger, but here’s the deal… we actually could’ve released the Side Slinger much earlier than we did… in early April…

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So You Wanna Be a Pattern Designer?

Studio Kat Designs

So… it’s hard to believe but we’ve actually been business as an independent pattern designer for almost 16 years now and here’s the deal….  during that time we’ve seen what amounts to a HUGE turnover in pattern designers! With only a few notable exceptions, the folks who were designing patterns when we were newbies have…

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PPC21: A Snake Charmer

Studio Kat Designs

So… After making all those pre-release Side Slinger samples, I decided to do something I rarely ever do! I decided that I really “needed” to make a Side Slinger for myself and since I still had one unused piece of faux leather left I knew the time to do this was now… before I packed…

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PPC21: Working with Faux Leather

Studio Kat Designs Bag on a table

So… I decided right at the outset of the design process for the Side Slinger that this was the perfect time for me to try my hand (for the very 1st time) at faux leathers mainly because I feel so strongly that this particular design lends itself to men as equally as it does to…

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The Side Slinger Testing Round

Studio Kat Designs

So… It’s that time again! It’s time to show you what our testers created in the process of testing our pattern instructions for the Side Slinger! Many of you know that one of my favorite parts of the pattern development process is the testing round. I just LOVE seeing what our testers are inspired to…

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Eye Candy for June 2020

Studio Kat Designs

So… ALL of the bags pictured below were created using our patterns & either shared on our FaceBook Group page, or mailed to us directly!But here’s the deal… I really love the collection of bags we’re showing you this month especially because so many of our designs are represented! seriously AMAZING! So let’s get started!…

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A Quick Tour of Our Studio

Studio Kat Designs

So… I’ve joined with a few other quilt and pattern designers to take you on studio tours where you get to see the nitty and gritty. We didn’t clean our studios, or take time to organize them. We’re showing you the current state we’re all in. So let’s start here by clicking the video below, and…

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