PPC16: The Inspiration

Studio Kat Designs

So…. I know it seems like we just released the Flaptastic Bag and even though it really has only been just a few weeks ago since we rolled that pattern out, it’s time for us to start the next cycle of “Purse Pattern Chronicles”! And the first place I like to start whenever I begin to consider a…

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Ask Kat: Can I Substitute Soft & Stable for Fusible Fleece

Soft and Stable Business Card Studio Kat Designs

So… Here’s another question we get asked more and more frequently of late… “Can I substitute Soft & Stable for the fusible fleece called for in the bag I want to make?” Choose Soft & StableThis new and revolutionary foundation material is PURRFECT for handbags! First of all, let me be clear… Soft & Stable…

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Booth Evolution…. 2017 Style

Studio Kat Designs

So… As we gear up for the 2017-18 show season, it’s worth noting that when the closing bell rings at the conclusion of this Fall’s Quilt Market in Houston, we will have completed a full decade of trade shows. It’s hard to believe we’ve been doing this for 10 full years! It doesn’t seem that…

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The Best Advice

Studio Kat Designs

So… I was talking with a friend & fellow designer the other day about how we each got started in the business. It was fun thinking about those early years and how much our businesses have changed since we began. But if there’s one thing we had in common, its that the businesses we have…

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Ask Kat: Why Don’t You Sell Your Zippers to Distributors

Closeup shot of black zipper Studio Kat Designs

So… Here’s a question we hear on a regular basis, especially at shows. It goes something like this…. A customer walks into our booth intent on buying a supply of zippers for several of her upcoming projects. During the process of checking out, she mentions how much she thinks that the owner of her LQS…

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PPC15: Testing Results

Studio Kat Designs

Well… we must be in the homestretch now! Because it’s that time again! It’s time to show you what our testers created in the process of testing our pattern instructions! Many of you know that one of my favorite parts of the pattern development process is the testing round. I just LOVE seeing what our testers…

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PPC15: The Flaptastic Release

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post in this series we revealed the completed pattern cover for our new pattern for Fall 2017, the Flaptastic Bag, and while it’s been a lot of fun, we’re closing the book as of today on this… the 15th edition of Purse Pattern Chronicles! The Flaptastic Bag webpage is LIVE now and you can get more…

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PPC15: The Flaptastic Pattern Cover Revealed

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post we had a little fun letting YOU be the designer and choosing which of our bag samples YOU would choose to grace the pattern cover for our new design for Fall 2017, the Flaptastic Bag. Thanks to everyone who participated! I always enjoy hearing about which bag my customers would choose and I…

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PPC15: Choosing the Flaptastic Cover Model

Studio Kat Designs

So… There’s a couple of things I always look forward to once a new design is pretty much set and one of them is choosing the ONE bag sample that best represents that design for the pattern cover! I like thinking about which of our samples would most appeal to our customers… which one would…

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PPC15: Color Me Seuss

Studio Kat Designs

So…. in our last post in this series we showed you our new Flaptastic Bag in a sophisticated & elegant neutral palette, but for this sample, (which will most likely be the last we make before we go to press), I decided to choose a collection of fabrics that just says…. FUN, so let’s get started! (I’ll give you all the…

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