PPC23: Alex in Purple

Studio Kat Designs

So… it’s hard to believe that I’m already showing you the last sample we’ve made in the long process of bringing yet another new bag pattern to market! Gosh… has 2020 been a strange year or what? But if you’ve been following us for any length of time, you most likely know what comes next…

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November 2020 Eye Candy

Studio Kat Designs

So… Last month all of our pictures were of either Sling Along‘s or Side Slinger‘s and as much as I enjoyed them all, it’s kinda nice to get back to a nice assortment of the bags in our collection and that is exactly what our November grouping is including the first customer-made bag from our…

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PPC23: A 60’s Vibe

Studio Kat Designs

So… we’re getting close to the end of our sampling making for the ErgoMatic design! As a matter of fact, we only have one more sample to show you after this one, so I hope you’ve been keeping track of which one YOU would feature on the cover of the pattern if it were YOUR…

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the 2021 SKD Calendar (featuring “YADP”)

Studio Kat Designs

So… it’s been a few years since we published one of our popular desk calendars (aka the “ Your Almost Daily Purr” calendar)… and here’s the reason why! You see when we started staying in Houston an extra week in order to vend at the Quilt Festival, life just became too hectic this time of…

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PPC23: Gilded Tiles

Studio Kat Designs

So… now that I’ve got three of these samples under my belt, I feel like I finally have a good idea of how I want to use my fabric to best advantage! Funny how some bags just take a while to “get to know”, right? Anyway, I saw this fabric online and instantly fell in…

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PPC23: Cone Flower Heads

Studio Kat Designs

So… I fell SO much in love with this fabric that I couldn’t decide which colorway to choose! No surprise that I finally settled on the purple /blue version, right? But here’s the deal, as much as I loved it, I had a really hard time coming up with complimentary/contrasting fabrics to use with it.…

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PPC23: Effervesence

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post we showed you our first bonafide sample for the new design for Fall 2020, our THIRD new design of this strange year! And truth is, I liked a LOT of things about that sample but there were also a few things that I knew needed to be fixed or changed…

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PPC23: Opulence

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post I showed you the “Gorilla” sample for this new design which you might recall that I was quite satisfied with how it turned out and was ready to make up a true, show-worthy sample, complete with most if not of all the features I have planned. And here’s what I…

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PPC23: It’s Gorilla Time!

Studio Kat Designs

So…. in our last post, I showed you the 1st prototype of what will eventually be our next pattern, projected to be ready before the end of the year. (I’ll try to be more specific a little further down the line.) You might recall that I was pretty happy with how the 1st prototype turned…

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October 2020 Eye Candy

Studio Kat Designs

So… It’s time for your monthly treat for the eyes! ALL of the bags pictured below were created using our patterns & either shared on our FaceBook Group page, or mailed to us directly! But here’s the deal… there are some seriously amazing bags in this collection and I think you’ll have a hard time deciding which…

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