On Naming a New Pattern

Studio Kat Designs

So… if you’ve been following our posts from this cycle of Purse Pattern Chronicles, then you know by now that it was our intention to name our new pattern design for Summer ’21 the Biltmore Baglet but then… a scary, disturbing, “just-in-the-nick-of-time” thing happened on the way to finalizing & publishing this new pattern… More…

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PPC25: Help Us Choose the Cover Model

Studio Kat Designs

So….. with yet another pattern almost in the books, it’s time to choose the ONE bag sample that will truly represent our new design for the pattern cover! In order to do this, I like thinking about which of our samples would most appeal to our customers… which one would gather the most attention at…

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August 2021 Eye Candy

Studio Kat Designs

So… I totally LOVE seeing pictures of the bags our customers make from our patterns! There’s not too much I like better than opening up an email that includes a picture or two of a customer-made bag, and the pictures we received last month are truly extraordinary! And guess what! The eight pictures below represent…

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PPC25: Cranes Revisited

A colorful sling bag with red zippers

So…. This will be the last bag sample we show you in the run-up to the release of this new pattern and if you’re thinking that this bag looks vaguely familiar to you, you’re right! That’s because I did something for this sample that I’ve only done one other time, that being… I used the…

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On Stockpiling

Studio Kat Designs

So… some folks call it hoarding, but stockpiling is a WAY nicer word, don’t you think?  Either way, it’s thought by many to be one of the primal instincts, like the drive to protect one’s young, to procreate, and to survive… Experts say that that the hoarding instinct is hidden in the genetic code of…

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PPC25: Gustav in Blue

Studio Kat Designs

So… it’s been a while since our last post in this series, but now that the 1st draft of the instructions for this new pattern is complete and on their way ( along with the templates & other supplies) to our testers, it’s time to get back to some serious sample making (and pattern naming)!!!…

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Nine Reasons I LOVE Cats!

Studio Kat Designs

I love most all animals. Cats, dogs, cows, chickens, goats, rabbits, horses, hamsters…heck, pretty much all of them (and FYI- insects and spiders are NOT animals… in MY book). As a matter of fact, I can’t really think of an animal I wouldn’t enjoy watching or learning more about. So when this random person wrote…

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A Bunny Came to Visit

Studio Kat Designs

So… a bunny came to stay with us for several weeks! Yep, I know that sounds a bit odd with two cats in the house but he came for an extended stay nonetheless! Why you might ask? Turns out that my daughter & her family had to be away from home for several weeks &…

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July 2021 Eye Candy

Studio Kat Designs

So… I totally LOVE seeing pictures of the bags our customers make from our patterns! There’s not too much I like better than opening up an email that includes a picture or two of a customer-made bag, and the pictures we received last month are truly extraordinary! So let’s get started! Noreen Saukko used fabric…

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PPC25: SeaGlass

Studio Kat Designs

So… following our last post I told you that I felt confident enough about this design that I felt it was time to go ahead and make the step drawings so I can start working on the instructions. This necessitates making one more sample and here it is! I had an extremely hard time however…

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