PPC16: Flower Power

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post , in this our 16th volume of Purse Pattern Chronicles (which was quite some time ago), I told you that we’re to the point now in the development of this pattern where we’re starting to think about the sample that will eventually grace the pattern cover, and that’s a pretty important spot!…

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Quilt Market & Festival 2017- the New Setup

Studio Kat Designs

So… we’re back from Quilt Market & Festival and since I’ve had a bit of time (on that long ride home and since then) to reflect on the things we saw and experienced in Texas, I’m now ready to share a few pictures and thoughts and impressions with you! You might recall from a recent…

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PPC16: Under the Sea

Studio Kat Designs

So… at the conclusion of our last post, I was pretty much satisfied with the construction aspects of this new design. Oh, there’s always minor details that need tweeking, and we’ll take care of those later on in the process, but for now it’s time to sit down and formalize our 1st draft of sewing instructions.…

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PPC15: Wanderlust

Studio Kat Designs

So… one of my favorite things about going to Quilt Market is seeing the vast array of brand new fabric collections on display. I love checking on my favorite fabric designers and seeing what they’ve been working on! But you know what’s even BETTER is when one of my favorites asks me to make up…

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PPC16: Starburst in Black

Studio Kat Designs

So… even though we were pretty satisfied with the sample we showed you in our last post it still needed just a few little tweeks to make it perfect (in our eyes)!The 2 primary problem areas that remain at this point are…a) we need to perfect and/or re-order a few of the construction steps to make the…

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PPC16: “X” Marks the Spot

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post I showed you the “Gorilla” sample I made for this cycle of Purse Pattern Chronicles and I’ve got to say, this was one of the better Gorilla samples I’ve ever made. I enjoyed carrying it… I can envision myself using it in many applications…I showed it to a couple of close friends…

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Can Sew-in Magnets be Substituted for Clamp-in Magnets

Sew in Magnets be Substituted for Clamp in Magnets

3/4″ invisible sew-in magnetic snaps (1 matched set per pkg) So… we’ve been hearing this question more and more of late since our invisible sew-in magnets are getting more and more popular, and since it’s a bit tough to explain over the phone or in an email, I thought it might be a good idea…

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PPC16: The Gorilla Test

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post I showed you the 1st prototype for our new design for Spring 2017 and in today’s post I’m ready to start carrying the “Gorilla” sample for this new design to ascertain how it actually functions and serves my needs! And by the way, can you even believe that here we are… in…

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PPC16: The Prototype

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post we showed you the sketchwork for our new design for Spring 2017 and promised that we would use the next post in this series to show off the 1st prototype but before we do, there’s a few things I want to remind you about! First of all– Our prototype gives us an…

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PPC16: The Sketches

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post we told you all about the inspiration behind what will eventually be our new design for Spring 2018, and now I’d like to show you our original “sketchwork” because I’d love to get some feedback from YOU! First– the Exterior My vision for this bag is to make it highly organized and…

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