PPC22: Choosing the OutBreaker Cover Model

Studio Kat Designs

So… with yet another pattern almost in the books, it’s time to choose the ONE bag sample that best represents the OutBreaker design for the pattern cover! In order to do this, I like thinking about which of our samples would most appeal to our customers… which one would gather the most attention at shows……

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PC22: Denim Sunrise

Studio Kat Designs

So here’s the deal… I had every intention of being done making samples for this design after our last post, but when I sat down to write the pdf tutorial helps for the website, I realized that the pictures I had taken for steps 35-37 were TOTALLY inadequate, which meant I had to make another…

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PPC22: Color by Kaffe

Studio Kat Designs

So…. in our last post I showed the 2nd bag of this new design that we’ve made up in cork… this one COMPLETELY in cork (except of course for the lining). And just so you know, it worked out great. I would invite you to check out “Tips for Working with Cork Fabric” if you…

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PPC22: Cork & Flowers… a Beautiful Combo!

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post I showed you an OutBreaker dressed up in one of my favorite outfits… KALEIDOSCOPE! But this time I dropped back to a new “Old Standby”… and that would be CORK! (And actually, I can’t believe I’m calling cork an “old standby”!) But that’s because I’m so impressed with the particular…

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Eye Candy August 2020

Studio Kat Designs

So… It’s time for your monthly treat for the eyes! ALL of the bags pictured below were created using our patterns & either shared on our FaceBook Group page, or mailed to us directly! But here’s the deal… there are some seriously amazing bags in this collection and I think you’ll have a hard time…

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PPC22: More Kaleidoscopic FUN!

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post I revealed the name of our new design for Summer 2020… we’re going to call it “the OutBreaker“! This is a name I think is totally appropriate for the tough situation we’ve had to deal with here for almost the totality of 2020 and this name will always remind me…

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PPC22: The Cat’s Meow

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post I revealed the 2nd sample of what will soon be our new pattern for Fall, or maybe even for late Summer because without Retail Shows to go to or to even prepare for, we’re moving along at quite a good clip on this new design! So let me show you…

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PPC22: Dragonflies at Night

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post I revealed the 1st REAL sample of what will soon be our new pattern for Summer, but I also promised that our next sample would be made in cotton so I could REALLY test out the foundation materials, particularly in the area just below the entry zipper and here is…

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PPC22: Cork it!

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post in this series I showed you the 2nd Gorilla Sample (or prototype) that we’ve created in the runup to this new pattern! We still have quite a few little things to tweek or modify but at this point I’m secure enough with the major components that I’m ready to start…

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PPC22: The 2nd Gorilla Sample

Studio Kat Designs

So… in our last post of Purse Pattern Chronicles, I showed you the 1st “Gorilla Sample” for our next pattern design. And if you recall, there were some features I was very pleased with but there were also some pretty major changes to be made, hence this 2nd “gorilla sample”. So let’s get to it! …

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