Our 2024 Holiday Bag Sale Starts Monday!
Even the most confirmed “Bag Addict” (of which I am one), can only house but so many bags in her closet, so…. once per year (or so) we throw open our closets & offer you some fantastic deals on sample bags that will no longer be traveling with us to road shows. And this year- we’re clearing out more samples than ever! Each is a ONE-OF-A-KIND StudioKat Designs original made by me!
This sale begins promptly at 12noon Monday, on Dec 2nd and ends on Dec 31st. But don’t delay… the early bird gets first choice!

So please choose the bag you’d like to purchase from those pictured on this page (scroll DOWN) … carefully note the bag’s “name”…Then when the sale starts at 12noon on Dec 2nd, go HERE to make your purchase!
So here we go!

Posted in Bangle Buddie, Bella BiFold, Boho Baguette, Cosmo Convertible, Double Take, Easy Go Wallet, Elsie K Baglet, Everyday Attache, Festival Pocket Belt, Flaptastic, GateWay, Gemini FlightBag, Go-Go Compact, Guardian, High Seas Convertible, OutBreaker, Side Slinger, Sling Along, Special Sales, Tandem DayPack, Triple Play, Uptown Saddlebag, Walkabout Wallet, Wrapsody