have you ever noticed how sometimes it’s just easier to describe yourself based on what you’re NOT, rather than what you ARE?
For example….
Customer Question– “I’m a sewing newbie, so I’m looking for a super easy project, so which one of your patterns would you recommend to me as a good starter bag?” Our Answer– “I’m so sorry, but our patterns are really aren’t designed for the beginning sewer.”
Customer Question– I’m looking for a quick and easy project for a Saturday afternoon. Which one of your patterns would you recommend?” Our Answer– “I’m so sorry, but outside of our “free patterns”, our full-sized bag patterns really cannot be characterized as quick and easy projects.”
Customer Question– “I’m looking for a basic tote bag with lots of storage options. Why don’t you have a basic tote bag in your line?” Our Answer– “I’m sorry but the patterns in our line really can’t be described as basic.”

Why would I limit myself this way? It’s really quite simple.
You see, prior to starting my pattern line, I did my due diligence, researching the pattern market as it was in 2004. I wanted to see what already was on the market, but just as important, I wanted to see what was NOT on the market. And what I saw back then, (and even now for that matter), was a LOT of bag patterns that were described as quick and easy projects, with silhouettes that for the most part, are all very similar, differentiated mostly by various adornments or embellishing techniques.

So I made the very conscious decision to aim my pattern line at the intermediate sewer, the gal who was ready for a more complicated project that might allow her to stretch her abilities a bit. I decided right from the outset, that my goal would be to create bag designs with unique, fashion-forward silhouettes, loaded with interesting storage options. And we have tried our best to stay true to that end.
But still I get phone calls… with questions such as,”When are you going to add a diaper bag to your line? We’d love to see you give the ‘StudioKat treatment’ to a diaper bag!”

And the truth is, a while back I buckled under the pressure and actually DID try my hand at designing a diaper bag. My grandson had just been born and I guess I thought those grandmotherly juices would be flowing and with my daughter as my muse, the result would be the diaper bag of women’s dreams… but it was a total disaster. Because here’s the deal…A diaper bag was not MY vision, and I felt absolutely no inspiration for the project. And as it turned out, Erica wanted no part of a diaper bag anyway, labeling them as too traditional. She just adapted an old book bag to meet her needs and let it go at that. Guess the apple occasionally DOES fall a good deal away from the tree…

Now don’t get me wrong- I love getting suggestions from customers and we’ve actually used SEVERAL of them, most notably of course is probably our Guardian pattern. We had been getting requests for a “concealed carry” pattern for quite a long time but I just didn’t understand the need or what was called for in a design like that, but once a customer in Houston took the time to explain to me exactly what she was looking for we found our inspiration and ran with it! But this episode just served to confirm my point. I’m just really crummy at trying to do something I’m not committed to or inspired by.
So… if you’re looking for a great diaper bag pattern, I’m afraid that at least so far, its just not what we do, but here’s the deal… I can totally point you to a few amazing diaper bag patterns all designed by persons that I admire and trust! And if a quick and easy weekend project is what you’re looking for, I can easily refer you to some awesome designers I know who specialize in just such projects!
And as for that perfect tote bag pattern, here’s the deal…until the time comes that I feel that I can bring something to a tote bag that just hasn’t been imagined or done yet, then tote bag patterns will remain something that we just do not do!
And now…. it’s YOUR turn!
And remember, we love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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So – I appreciate that you are selective. There’s nothing more irritating to see the same thing over and over again. I have a Guardian pattern, bought at a quilt show. I have the zippers, my girlfriend found the ones I wanted at your booth in Paducah. I have all the pieces, just need to step up to the plate to get it made. And yes, I do have a concealed carry permit also. Thanks for well thought out bags, different than the all the other ones out there.
Thanks so much Dee! And I can’t wait to see a picture of your Guardian bag after you make it! 🙂
I think your designs are fantastic. I love the way your patterns are engineered and the way they layout. For a number of years, I made Hawaiian shirts and had given up on sewing for a while. After I retired my wife told me I needed a hobby. I learned years ago to listen when she speaks. LOL. Seriously she is my rock. Since I have emphysema I looked for something I could do with little physical effort. As I was searching the internet I found Studio Kat Designs. Kat, you are a blessing. Keep up the good work. And THANK YOU for featuring OUR bags in your newsletter from time to time. I call them ours because they truly are a little bit you and a little bit me. Good luck with your parents and their vaccine. I was able to get my first shot a couple of days ago.
Ray McCoy