in our last post we had a little fun letting YOU be the designer and choosing which of our bag samples YOU would choose to grace the pattern cover for our 2nd new design for 2018, the Bangle Buddie. Thanks SO much to everyone who participated! Pattern design can be rather solitary work and I always enjoy hearing the logic behind which bag my customers would choose. But as much as I enjoy these interactions, this really isn’t a democratic process and in my estimation I have good reasons for having chose the bag I have for our pattern cover. Sometimes I agree with the majority of you, but sometimes I don’t. I’ll share these details below, but right now…
It’s time for the BIG reveal!
Pictured below is the actual pattern cover for the Bangle Buddie!

And now… let me tell you why I chose THIS sample
over all the others for our cover!

OK, here’s the thing about this sample.
I genuinely like it, but I think I knew up front it would never be on the cover, because to me its just too… well, too GREEN! 🙂
Truth is, I think its just a little too bright and “out there” to put on the cover. It doesn’t have what I would call, “universal appeal”, so it’s OUT, although its this very flashiness that will make it an excellent show bag!

I really liked this sample and I thought long and hard about placing it on the Bangle Buddie pattern cover, because I personally find it to be quite beautiful, but…
as much as I like it, my concern is that it does not enjoy universal appeal and so therefore, it is OUT!

And this particular sample will always have a special place in my heart BUT, it was never destined to be on the cover of the Bangle Buddie pattern.
That’s because this was an EXTREMELY difficult sample to create. It took a great deal of intricate fussy-cutting to accomplish this exterior look. So complicated was this exterior to create that it would be almost impossible to write out the directions for duplicating it, which of course renders the sample OUT of the running!

Coin Posey –
And WAY back when I first started collecting fabrics for this design, my bet was that THIS fabric would eventually grace the pattern cover and the truth is… it easily could’ve been!
The colors are good, the features are clearly visible & it photographs beautifully! The difference to me is that this bag says “whimsy” to me and you know what? Sometimes “whimsy” is exactly what I’m looking for!
Except I guess this just wasn’t one of those times!

Because from the moment I held this fabric in my hands it was like holding magic! There was no question in my mind that it make into a compelling sample and that there was a pretty good chance it would end up on the cover, which it has!
This bag has a classic, rich look… it photographs amazingly and the bag features are clearly represented!
In short… I LOVE IT!
So there you have it…
Truth is, this design has been very well received so far so I easily could have gone with another choice and it probably wouldn’t make a bit of difference “sales-wise” but I’m pleased with how the cover came out. This is actually the 3rd pattern cover that my new graphics guy has produced for me and he’s got a much better grip on what I’m looking for now. He tells me its because he finally in touch with his “girly side”, but whatever the reason, the final result he created is very compelling and I’m happy with the work he did!
But you know what?
Call me crazy but I always love knowing if you agree with our selection or if you think we totally blew it! So please feel free to leave your comments and/or questions in the space provided below!
AND PLEASE NOTE!!!! — Just as we did in our last pattern rollout last Fall, we’ll be announcing our pattern release by way of our Newsletter delivered later on this month (probably later than normal). It will be complete with a time-sensitive discount offer that will be extended ONLY to our Newsletter subscribers and to members of the StudioKat Designs Pattern Group. So don’t miss out… you still have a small window of time to get in on the fun and pick up a nifty discount coupon too by clicking here to join our mailing list, OR by joining our StudioKat Designs Pattern Group on FaceBook!
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