with the 2020 Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in the books, it’s time to tell you how it all went and here’s the deal…
it . went . GREAT!

Well… all that is except for this buckle which fell victim to an over-zealous customer who accidentally snapped off a prong while trying to do the re-attach.
She felt bad about it… so did I, especially when I think about trying to go about fixing this which will probably mean an angst-filled hout or so with a seam ripper… but then that’s fodder for a future post, right?
Other than this,
the show really was SUPER!

Truth is… all of our shows have been great ever since the debacle otherwise known as Virginia Beach 2018! I’m thinking it must have something to do with us having pattern-specific hardware kits available at the show ever since Quilt Festival in 2018… all of which just makes me kick myself in the tail for not doing so SOONER, right? Ah well….anyway…

We pretty much used the same setup as we did at Road2Ca in January since it worked so well there. The only thing is, we had to swap the zippers off the corner of the booth where I prefer them and place this pattern/fabric/bag display there instead, mainly because I left an integral table back at the house. DUH!!!!!
And here’s the thing, I wish I could say this was the ONLY thing I left home on this trip but it wasn’t, because I also left my night guard, along with a VERY important medication for my surgically repaired knee!
But then again… it all worked out. I figured a way around the missing table and obviously survived without the nightguard and that medication (although I sure was glad to have it when I got back home!)

So… now we’ve got about 7 weeks to be at home in the studio (where I really LOVE to be), during which time I’ll be working my hardest to write the instructions for our next pattern and get it out to our testers so we can release it to you, the public, in early May (just in time for the Spring Quilt Market).
And then it’s on to Paducah, KY and maybe we’ll see YOU there?
And now…. it’s YOUR turn!
And remember, we love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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Your booth looked great in spite of the missing table and I’m glad you got by without your meds and guard. Meanwhile, good luck with the repairs to your bag!
Thanks Beth! 🙂