So… way back in 2004 when I first started this business, my work activities revolved exclusively around publishing patterns… I didn’t have to worry about planning my work days because all of my activities were pretty much limited to sewing, writing & printing patterns. But it didn’t take long before I found out that…
It takes a LOT more than this
to develop & promote a pattern line!

In close succession, I started our Blog, our Newsletter, branched out into Social Media, establishing a presence on FaceBook, Instagram & Pinterest, PLUS we started vending at what turned out to be FIVE major trade shows, to promote our products. To put it mildly, my workload exploded in both quantity of tasks that needed to be accomplished, AND, in the increasing variety and complexity of the types of tasks to be done.
So… with this in mind, people often ask me how many people we employ, in order to get all the things done that have to be done, in order to write, publish and distribute patterns at the level we do. And the truth is, I wear almost ALL of the hats except for a very specific few of them, listed below:
- Product packing and tagging– which we delegate to Teresa Wiles, a very able & enthusiastic friend.
- Pickup & delivery of things– which my husband most often handles
- Graphic Design for our Color Pattern Covers– which we have ALWAYS delegated to a professional
- Anything to do with Taxes– to which we employ an accountant, since I have no desire to go to jail

Which means… I had to develop a system to get organized and “on point” in a HURRY! Lucky for me, I have always been an avid list-maker, which was a definite benefit, but let’s face it… a list of 42 items that must be accomplished on the way to publishing a new pattern can, and most certainly was… OVERWHELMING… until I came to the realization that the only way it could be done was…
By Doing ONE Thing
at a Time!
It’s simultaneously a conscious decision, a productivity tip AND an operating system. It might sound simple – and ultimately it is – but it absolutely can be a struggle to put in practice!
Here’s how it works:
- You must identify what the ONE thing is that you will do. Here’s where a concise, definitive & orderly list comes in handy! It’s so much easier to tick things off “one thing at a time” with an effective list. As for me… I have MANY such lists! Of course I have a Pattern Designing List, but I also have a list for other Monthly Tasks that have to be done, as well as packing lists for Trade Shows (just to name a few).
- Each task must be specific and measurable. It must be something you can complete…and once you complete that thing, it’s actually done and can be crossed off the list! (more about this in a bit)
- You must commit to doing ONLY that one thing until complete. You must LOCK YOURSELF IN, to doing that thing – and ONLY that thing – without doing anything else. Even if it means turning off the phone or shutting down the computer until that thing is completed.
If you don’t adhere to these steps, you’re likely to get sidetracked & frustrated. (Don’t ask me how I know this!)
Let’s Take an Example: Our Bi-Monthly Newsletter
Twice a month I publish a Newsletter for my subscribers. This actually requires several different steps such as: collecting the features for the issue, choosing the photos, deciding what item(s) to discount in this issue, writing the opening paragraph and writing a subject line.
Then I have to send a test message to myself, review it for typos or bad links, test the discount code and once I’m satisfied with it, queue the newsletter for sending. As I said, it’s a micro-project with several steps, but they are logically enough connected that it’s easy to tackle them in order.

The problem comes in when I start going thru the sequence of steps but move on to something else that comes to mind. Perhaps the Newsletter prep reminds me of another thing I need to do or check on, so I head off to do that… and then I think of yet another thing… and before long, I’m completely sidetracked!
The “One Thing at a Time” rule means I must finish the micro-project of completing the Newsletter BEFORE moving on to anything else!
It’s simple… yet HARD. Sometimes the process is even mildly painful because I really, REALLY want to do anything other than the “One Thing”. But I know that if I see this thing through, I’ll feel a sense of completion and accomplishment. These wonderful outcomes are worth enduring the temporary discomfort of forced attention such as this. I want to do a LOT of things (at least with some degree of focus), but I know I’ll be much more effective and less anxious if I do “one thing at a time” before moving on!
So… do YOU struggle with attention & focus?
Maybe try doing one thing at a time today.
And now…. it’s YOUR turn!
And remember, we love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
Check out the best sewing pins with me on Pinterest, join in on discussions or show off your work in our FaceBook Group, or get your daily sewing fix on our Facebook Business Page or the behind the scenes scoops on Instagram! And don’t forget to check out our video tips & tricks on our You Tube Channel and be the 1st to know about new patterns, discount codes and sample sales by signing up for “Bag Making is Fun”, our bi-monthly newsletter.
Good day Mrs. Kat,you must be watching me. I am that person who getsside track in a minute. Right now while sitting in waiting room for SIL eye surgery, I have three projects to finish up before I can get packing for a mini vacation to Arizona. Two are yours patterns I purchased from you at the last year quilts show in Houston. But I will be getting hardware from you again along with other things. SEE I GOT SIDE TRACKED AGAIN!! SEE IN HOUSTON
Great! I’ll see you there then!
Ok, I think I should maybe start making lists again. I used to, but lately have fallen out of the habit. I am someone who can become very sidetracked also. One of my dear friends lives by her lists and accomplishes so much. She saves her lists and tweaks them according to the new season or activity like you do. Obviously, you both make excellent use of your lists. I really should make lists. Is there a list for making lists? LOL
I’m not so sure there is! 😀
Thank you for the valuable advice. I struggle with the “overwhelm.” Maybe one 3×5 card for each thing. Essentially putting blinders on. Might not work for some things, but…?!?