
I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s really only two kinds of people in this world, and I do not mean male and female. I’m talking about about the listmakers and the non-listmakers. Chances are you know exactly which group you belong to, because there’s really no in-between about it.
Me, I’m a full-on list-maker. Just check out the area around my computer. This morning, there are 13 different lists either stuck to my computer screen or on various pads of paper around it. Price lists, order lists, a list of things to do this morning, and a list of things to do this week, etc. etc.
I even have a “List folder” on my desktop, where I save lists which I use on a regular basis. For example, one of these lists consists of tasks associated with pattern development, from the idea phase to a completed release. With each new pattern I release, I re-evaluate my list, adding or deleting tasks to make it more effective for the next pattern. I also have lists for things to do BEFORE going to Market, things to do every night while AT Market, and things to do AFTER Market. I can’t imagine how unorganized and lost i would feel without benefit of all of these important lists.

Some lists are so important that I keep them in a special little book in my purse at all times. Like lists of passwords, ideas for patterns, pattern names, or blog subjects.
And of course I keep a working grocery list in my kitchen at all times so that when I open up the last box of cereal or tea or whatever, I can immediately write in on the list! No running out of stuff for ME! I hate having to go out to the grocery store in the middle of cooking dinner for a missing item! (Incidentally, in addition to the grocery list, I keep similar but separate lists for office supplies and toiletry/cleaning supplies.)

Besides the fact that lists keep me organized and “on task”, I find that I just LOVE crossing stuff off my lists! And speaking of crossing out, I NEVER cross stuff out in such a way as to obliterate it. I prefer to use a highlighter. It’s neater, and leaves me with a permanent record of what has and has not been done so far, and looks very cool, especially if it’s done in a multi-colored way! There’s something so gratifying about a beautifully crossed-off list.
My husband thinks I’m list-obcessed, but he only says that because he’s one of those non-list-making people. Which might partially explain why he’s constantly looking for things, or forgetting to do stuff. He especially takes issue with the lists I keep in my car. When I’m running errands, I like to post a list of all of the places I need to go, (in the correct driving order of course). Let’s face it, I don’t get out too much, so when I finally go, there’s usually 7, 8, sometimes 10 different places I need to go. So it really saves time (and gas) to have an effective gameplan.
Am I neurotic? Maybe, but who do you think had to drive 5 miles EACH WAY to the grocery store tonight at 9pm, because he had no coffee for the morning? (Here’s a hint: I don’t drink coffee…. and he rarely writes anything on the grocery list!)
And now…. it’s YOUR turn!
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