And this time he brought a friend! (more about her in a bit)

You might remember that last year our “grand-bunny” came to stay with us for a few weeks while his family was out of town. He was just a baby then but now he’s a very handsome Big Boy Bunny!
Which means a lot has changed since he stayed with us last time!

First and foremost— he’s litter-box-trained now and this is a big deal which I’m sure you can understand! Last year there was a whole lot of daily cleanup duties and washing of bedding and towels. It got to be pretty labor-intensive. But there honestly was none of that this year, which left us more time to get to know each other.

AND… since there really was no room for both me and the Bun in the smaller enclosure, I got so I rather enjoyed “hand-feeding” him his breakfast & supper outside the enclosure which was fun for BOTH of us.
And this led to a couple of interesting discoveries!!!
- The way to this guy’s heart is definitely thru his stomach! I found out that this Bun LOVES blueberries so I made sure he got a few for desert at every meal. As a matter of fact, I always served them in the same ceramic bowl and I insisted that he climb up into my lap b4 he could have them and since he loved them so much, he complied!
- Another delightful thing I discovered was that he enjoys making music just as much as I do! He enjoyed it so much that sometimes I let him keep the bowl in his enclosure so he could continue “making music” after his meal! 🙂

And oh yeah… I promised you I’d show you the “friend” he brought with him this time… and here she is!
Her name is Matilda, and she’s a bearded dragon. She was also a very “easy-to-have-around” house guest.
In addition to these two, I took care of my neighbor’s two cats last weekend and next week my brother’s family will head to Florida for the week and I’ll be in charge of their dog.
Of course I don’t mind. I love animals of all shapes and sizes!
But how about YOU!
Will you be doing any pet-sitting for friends or family this summer? If so, do give us the details in the space provided below. And remember, we love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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