MAQF ’23: the Quilts

A quilt with a cat and sunflowers on it.

So… Are you ready to see my favorite quilts from the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival for 2023? Before I show them to you though, please remember, I am presenting this list purely as a fan of quilting. I have no special training and little to no experience creating quilts or judging them. The quilts in this…

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MAQF 2023: the Recap

A table with a variety of purses and bags on it.

So… with the 2023 version of the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in our rear view mirror, it’s time for the requisite show “recap”. And here’s the deal… I can sum up the MAQF in four words… It was REALLY Great! The white background featured above, or the black background we utilize in Houston? On an encouraging…

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MAQF 2023: Seen at Show

A collage of pictures of women with purses.

So… even though I’ve been in business for 19 years, I still get a big kick out of seeing our customers carrying bags they’ve made from our patterns! And what better place to “spy” these customers than at a retail quilt/craft show, right? And even though the attendance at these shows is down considerably right…

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PPC28: Help Us Choose the Double Take Cover Bag

A group of colorful handbags sitting on a brick walkway.

But here’s the thing… before I make this decision, I REALLY love hearing which bag YOU would choose to be on the cover if you were ME. Do you think it might be because pattern designing is such a solitary business and I like need the interaction… who knows? At any rate, I get a…

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Eye Candy for March ’23

Eye candy for march 23.

So….as a confirmed basketball fan, one of the things I like best about March is “March Madness”, but I also love revealing this month’s “Eye Candy”…. So let’s get right to it! And now it’s YOUR turn! Which one of these beauties caught your eye initially? And which one made you want to know more?…

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PPC28: I’m on the Kaffe Train

A bag with a colorful floral pattern on it.

So… in 19 years of designing bag patterns, I’ve never featured fabric designed by the incomparable Kaffe Fassett in one of my samples before, BUT… There’s a 1st time for everything! So in closing… This is the last sample we’ve created in support of our “Double Take” pattern. Right now we’re waiting on comments and…

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Sage Advice at the Right Time

Don't ruin a new day by thinking about yesterday, let it go.

So… a short time ago we revealed in a post about “our goals for 2023” how incredibly stressful this past year has been for us. But here’s the deal… what I totally underestimated about long-term stress is how terribly debilitating it can be on the body AND the mind. And unfortunately I’m now more painfully…

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PPC28: A French Connection

A green floral purse hanging on a white chair.

So… at first glance you might be thinking that the fabric I used for this particular “Double Take“ sample is out of character from our norm… and to tell you the truth I was surprised myself when I chose this fabric! And you know what? I was second-guessing this choice myself up until the point…

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A Down Under Distributor

The reception area at victoria hospital.

So… it’s not uncommon for exciting things to happen at the Quilt Market but this past Fall an especially exciting thing happened for us and it made me feel like shouting it from the rooftops! And since everything seems to be coming together now, I finally feel safe sharing the good news with you and…

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Eye Candy for February ’23

Eye candy for february 23.

So….now that all the craziness and celebrating of the New Year is over its time to get down to the business of bagmaking and that means we have a whole new batch of Eye Candy to share with you! So let’s get right to it! And now it’s YOUR turn! Which one of these beauties…

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