in our last post in this, our 27th cycle of Purse Pattern Chronicles (can you believe it?), I showed you the 1st prototype for what will become out next new pattern design. If you recall, I was reasonably pleased with the 1st prototype I made so I went ahead and made a complete set of templates (including more storage options) and made up the “Gorilla” sample. (Please keep in mind that I may yet add an interior pocket or two in the future.)

Now if you’ve been following any of our previous cycles of Purse Pattern Chronicles, then you know by now that I like to carry the first complete sample that I make of any new design for a week or two just to find out if there are “issues” with functionality, because I like to know about these as soon as possible. If the bag opening needs to be wider, or if the silhouette needs to be taller, or if it needs more pockets or if it’s hard to open, or if it sags in the middle when its fully loaded, I want to resolve those issues immediately! Around here, we refer to this as the “Samsonite Gorilla Test” and yes I realize I’m dating myself with that phrase so if you’re under 50 just click HERE, & it just might start your day off w/a smile!
So… with all the preliminaries out in the open, let me take you on a quick tour of this new design,
including the features that still need some “work”!

Here’s a few views of the Wallet interior. I’ve already mentioned that I’m not too thrilled with the fit of the Welt, but I’m also not happy with the attachment area indicated in the center photo. I like the way this area looks, but it was WAY too complicated to accomplish and needs to be simplified for sure! And finally, in the photo at right you can definitely see that there is too much daylight visible at the base of the Welt, so not only is the Welt sized wrong, but its ALSO positioned too high!
So pleased stay tuned to our next post in this series…
when hopefully we’ll have resolved most if not all of these issues. In the meantime, if you have comments you’d like to share or questions you’d like to ask about this design in general or this sample in specific, please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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Hi Kat love the bag so far afraid I don’t like the zip you picked I don’t think it matches the fabric being striped just a thought best wishes Gill xx🤗🤗👜
Thanks for commenting Gill. I’m glad you like the bag but please remember this is not a show bag. This particular bag is a “Gorilla Sample”, meant only as a case study as to whether this design is a viable option for a future pattern. I often make my Gorilla samples is throwaway fabrics due to this very fact. 🙂 Truth is though, I DO like the way this zipper looks with this sample but it doesnt hurt my feelings that you do not! After all,,, that is the beauty of sewing, right? We can all make our projects to suit ourselves. I love sewing for this reason! 🙂
Hi Kat,
I’m quite fond of the built in wallet concept – I’ve carried n everyday to be exclusively for years! Is there a coin pocket included anywhere? Love the grommet. I don’t mind seeing the lining – it makes it easier to locate the grommet.
Thanks so much for commenting Brenda! I’m so glad you find the new design interesting! Please stay tuned for future posts where I’ll show you so much more! 🙂
Thanks for commenting Brenda! I’m so glad you find the new bag to be interesting. Please stay tuned for more posts in this series where I’ll show you so much more! 🙂
I like it so far. The wallet area for me is promising, although I typically don’t use built in wallets (old habits die hard or not at all). Hugs to your fur babies. 🐱💻
Thank you Kay!I agree totally about the built in wallets, but I’ve grown fond of using them myself now if for no other reason as it eliminates the bulky (and heavy) wallet itself! Do stay tuned for more? 🙂