I was minding my own business at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in February when I noticed a very good-looking guy in a tuxedo just up the row from us, so of course I had to go check him out!
As it turns out, The Whole Country Caboodle has what amounts to an entire pet menagerie of pre-cut applique patterns featuring adorable dogs & cats as part of their product line and of course, the tuxedo guy which you see at left absolutely HAD to come home with ME (even though I only rarely dabble in applique).
From the moment I saw this good-lookin’ guy, I absolutely knew he would look amazing on the front pouch of a Sling Along! The hard part would be finding the perfect coordinating fabrics to compliment but not take away from his pretty face!

And of course you probably wouldn’t be surprised to hear that my original plan called for using black & white prints for this bag and heaven knows I have quite a LARGE assortment to choose from! But to my surprise, there was no combination of black & white prints that seemed to work with this little guy!

That’s when I decided to try a different color palette altogether and this black & gold combo just seems to be perfect from the start! And of course our black & gold zips were the ultimate compliment to the fabric.
So… I’m totally pleased with the combination of this fabric and the applique and I’m thinking that this bag should have a semi-permanent place of honor in our booth. I may place it on top of our grid wall boxes so it can have maximum visibility with minimum handling for two reasons.
1- I’m thinking this guy may well attract a good deal of attention, and..
2- since I did the applique work and I’m not entirely sure how well that stitching will hold up to a lot of touching!

So in closing... this little guy and this bag will be making their Show debut in a few days at the International Quilt Market & Festivall in Houston, Texas. So if you’re planning on attending one or both of these shows, or if you live in this general area, we’d love for you to stop by and say hello to us and check out this guy as well our product lines!
And now…. it’s YOUR turn!
And remember, we love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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