in our first post in this, our 20th cycle of Purse Pattern Chronicles we revealed the inspiration behind what will eventually be our new pattern for Fall 2019. And if you’ve been with us for any of our other 19 cycles of Purse Pattern Chronicles then you know that what generally comes next is the 1st prototype.
So here’s the deal… in the early days, the 1st prototype generally consisted of muslin, and perhaps a bit of foundation material. But after 40 some odd designs in the books, I like to think I’ve got enough experience at this point to avoid some of the early “false starts’ that were so common back in the day which means that nowawdays the 1st prototype
So… let’s get down to business and talk about this, the 1st prototype for our new design which as of yet is unnamed.

SO… here’s what i did!

A MUCH cleaner look in my estimation!
Overall I’m SO much happier with this look in ALL THREE views. And here’s the best part… I really think that even though these gate rings are a bit pricey, they can actually substitute for almost all of the other attachment hardware I had been using… both O-rings, both D-rings and BOTH snap hooks, which means it’s actually cheaper overall!

And now…. it’s YOUR turn!
I’d love to know what you think of our new design at this point in the process? If there’s features you like, or items you wish we had included, now would be a great time to let us know! And remember, there’s space provided below to leave anything you’d like to say!
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