in our last post in this series, I showed you the “gorilla sample” for our new pattern for Fall 2017. And you might recall that while I was fairly pleased it, there were actually some significant changes I wanted to make in this go-round. But first things first… here’s the sample I created for this round of Purse Pattern Chronicles!

This time I used fusible fleece for both of the flaps (instead of Soft & Stable). Making this switch allowed the flaps to be more flexible and stay closer to the body of the bag. I like this look better. I also changed the shape of the flap just a tad making it a shade wide that the pocket flap.

This picture gives you a little better look at the flaps and while I love the 3 colors I chose for this bag I do NOT like the way I placed them. In retrospect, I wish I had used the solid blue color as the front pocket area and placed the tan linen as the pocket flap. I think this would’ve given the bag a better “flow” or a more harmonizing effect, but as it is here, I think the tan area stands out to much and almost looks like it doesn’t belong.
Note to self (and anyone who thinks the same as me): choose a color for the front pocket color that BLENDS with the main bag color, NOT a contrasting color as I did for this sample.

This shot gives you a pretty good look at the back of the bag, which I like but I’m planning on making this pocket just a little less wide next time (~1/2″ less wide on each side). That’s because I can just barely use a 10″ zipper across this area and I want to build a little more lee-way into using the 10″ size. The interior of this pocket is about 1 1/2″ deeper than before which I like.

And here’s the deal about this zippered main compartment. It’s actually optional! Because of the construction AND because this opening is ALSO covered by the bag flap, the zippered closure can actually be omitted if desired. And since I have customers who feel strongly both ways, this is perfect!

And here’s a peek inside the front pocket area in which I added storage for 6 credit/loyalty cards for this sample. And since this is a bag-wide pocket, there’s a LOT of room in here! One could easily store their smart phone with all kinds of room to spare!

So there you have it for this round. This design is almost where I want it to be. Hopefully I can get the last couple of bugs worked out in the next round and we’ll be set to go! Which means it’s time to get serious about a name for this design and i gotta tell ya, after 39 designs, coming up with a name is one of the hardest parts of of the whole process (and no, my assistant is no help in this matter)!

So, let’s talk about the beautiful fabrics I used in this sample.
Main Exterior Fabric– from ‘The Migration’ collection by Julia Cairns for Quilting Treasures. I got mine HERE.
Tan Linen– from the ‘Textured Solids’ collection by Andover Fabrics. I got mine HERE.
Turquoise Polka-Dot– from my stash
Denim-color cotton– from my stash
And now…. it’s YOUR turn!
I’d love to know what you think of our new design at this point in the process? Do you like what you’ve seen so far? I’m still up for suggestions if you have any and coming up with a name is a HIGH priority now! And remember, we love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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