in our last post I showed you a seriously beautiful sample that should perform quite well for us at retail shows, but here’s the deal… as much as I LOVE making show samples, every now and again I get a kick out of making a “novelty” sample!

But from the moment I saw these three fabrics on the Missouri Star website, I instantly knew what I simply HAD to do! And in the end, a really FUN novelty sample can create as much (or more) customer reaction for us at shows as an elegant cover bag!

Here in the picture at left you can see that the zipper opening for the thinner front zippered storage area is much longer and that would be so that the flap will open wide enough to allow better access to the card slot area with in (see picture below).

This was a fun bag to make and even though it probably wouldnt be a bag that I’d carry everyday of the week, I’m thinking that it sure would be a gas to carry every now and then!
And guess who else is very intrigued by this particular sample?
(Actually, I’m thinking she’s more fascinated with the ants on the interior than the watermelon exterior!) Either way, it’s one of her favorites!
If you’re interested in created a bag for yourself with this watermelon theme, we’ve packaged it up especially for you HERE! (But its only available for a limited time.)
And now, it’s YOUR turn!
Do you ever use novelty fabrics in the projects you create? If so, I’d love it if you would share a bit about what you like to work with best! And does this bag strike you as something you’d ever consider carrying?
And remember, we love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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Very fun!
Love it! That would be fun to carry!
Yes, definitely I plan to use novelty prints for this bag as well as from the Egyptian stash. The inclusion of the antz in this picnic version is a downright riot… and my giggle for the day. I am planning (hopefully) an excursion to Central Florida to visit the Mouse and pop over to purchase a wand at Ollivander’s at Universal. I just came across some yardage on Amazon for the Marauder’s map. Mmmmm the wheels are turning.
How much yardage is projected for the main color? I cannot wait for this patterns release!!
Just thought of a Dali bag – he used ants in lots of his art…. oh lots of inspiration from your picnic bag!
I’m so glad you like it! The yardage for the front pouch pocket and bag back is 1/3 yard (we’re calling that contrast, the yardage for the sides of the bag is 1/2 yard. Hope this helps! 🙂
Fantabulous! Still impatiently waiting for the pattern. 🙂 I probably wouldn’t carry it in those fabrics here….but I think it will make a great ‘people stopper’ and ‘conversation starter’ as they go by your booth. Even if they are not into sewing their own bags. Anchor it well so it doesn’t ‘wander away’ with someone. Didn’t that happen with one, one year?
Yes, unfortunately one of our bags did in fact “walk away” at a show! We’ve got a pretty good system in place now to discourage that, but I’d be foolish to think it was infallible. I’m so glad you like the pattern and we should be ready to roll with the next issue of Kat Bytes, aound the 15th of March. 🙂
I think this bag would be such fun to carry during casual summer time. As for using novelty prints, I used a lot of them for mask making, pairing the prints with the interests of the recipient. Plus I had some anyway for quilting purposes.