So… 2022 was definitely a rebound year for us.
Following the debacle “formally known as the Road to California Show”, the remaining shows on our schedule were resounding successes, particularly those where we were all allowed to be mask-free.
But… as optimistic as we feel about the business going into 2023, there have been significant family issues, primarily involving my 90-year old parents that have escalated as the year wore on, particularly during this past Fall. It’s been profoundly difficult for me to manage my personal life and my household while focusing effectively and making forward progress on my next design.

So with this in mind,
1- the most important goal I have for 2023, and the one that trumps all others is to have them in a safe and sustainable living situation for my parents since both of them are in states of increasingly declining health.
2- My second goal for 2023 is to once again produce TWO new bag patterns, but this goal is endangered at the moment because even though the pattern I’m currently working on (at left), was begun in early September it’s at least 4, if not 5 weeks behind schedule. By rights we should be in the testing rounds right now, but due to the above-mentioned family situation, we’re NOT and since the situation with my folks is far from fixed or stable at the moment, it could unfortunately have a far-reaching impact on our productivity for the rest of 2023.
3. Go on Vacation… preferably far, far away! Because the only time I truly relax, recharge and totally forget about what’s going on back home is when I get several time zones away.
But this year I must say publicly for the 1st time that recently we received some sad news about my husband’s health. He was diagnosed with a hereditary neurological disease that will eventually claim his balance/coordination in a profound and debilitating way.
My husbands working hard to hold this disease at bay and with the help of some of the finest doctors in the world (at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center) we plan on having a few more years or more to travel and do as many of the things we love doing for as long as its possible!

4. Beyond this, my goals for 2023 are similar to previous years…
- work towards increasing our social media reach on our Newsletter, our FaceBook page, our FaceBook Sewing Group Page, Instagram and Pinterest.
- and engage in a full show schedule (sans masks or restrictions) even though for the first time in eight years it’ll be without the Road to California show . For your convenience, our show schedule for 2023 is detailed below.
Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival – Hampton, VA – 2/23-26/2023
AQS Paducah – Paducah, KY – 4/26-29/2023
International Quilt Market – Houston, TX – 10/28-30/2023
International Quilt Festival – Houston, TX – 11/2-5/2023
So in closing…
please know that I am SO grateful for your support in 2022 and for the past almost two decades. Every morning I wake up happy to go downstairs to work and everyday I know how fortunate I am to make my living doing what I most love doing! Here’s hoping 2023 deals us ALL a decent hand!
And now, it’s YOUR turn!
Have YOU made any plans or goals for 2023, and would you like to share them with the rest of us? If so, please feel free to do so in the space provided below! And remember, we love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
Check out the best sewing pins with me on Pinterest, join in on discussions or show off your work in our FaceBook Group, or get your daily sewing fix on our Facebook Business Page or get behind the scenes scoops on Instagram, and be the 1st to know about new patterns, discount codes and sample sales by signing up for our monthly newsletter.
My heart is going out to you. You are a strong lady, and remember you will have good and not so good days! It’s okay. We all have to walk a path like this. Please note 🎵🎶🎵, keep these priorities and I will wait for your next wonderful pattern no matter how long it takes.
Thanks ever so much Mary! What a nice thing to say!
I’m so sorry that all of these family health issues are going on at once. Please realize that YOU must prioritize what is most important right now. Most of us have been in that place at some time, although maybe not as much at once. Family must come first, and I hope that those of us following your posts will be gracious and understanding. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I really appreciate that. Thanks Barbara!
Your plate for 2023 is might full. Definitely take care of you, your husband, and parents. While your craft brings you much joy, us too, we recognize there are times when life interrupts. Including you all in my daily prayers.
Thanks Sharon. It’s been a rough spell, that’s for sure.
Let me know if I can help you in anyway
I sure appreciate the offer Sissy! 🙂
So sorry to hear about your family health issues. I am caring for my husband with end stage kidney disease and worsening cognitive issues. It is very difficult, but please find time for yourself away from parents, husband and all of us. Along with taking care of your family, take care of you.
That’s good advice! Thanks Virginia! 🙂
So sorry to hear what you have been dealing with, Kat. My thoughts & prayers are with you. There will always be time for a new pattern or two in the future, but we all understand that your priorities right now are with family. Take care & God bless.
Thanks Nancy- I really appreciate having this outlet though. It really helps to have something to think about besides the sometimes futile options.
Prayers for you and yours as you walk thru all this!!
Keep those relationships first in your life—-live without regrets there.
Thank you Ann. This is a really hard time. It’s been SO stressful!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, The best advice I can give you is to remember to take care of you self in order to take care of your husband and parents, Take time to be outside anf smell some roses. Sending love, prayers and best wshes to you and your family.
That’s good advice Loretta! I’ll try hard to remember this in the future! 🙂
God bless, with many prayers to light your way!!
Thanks so much Mary! I appreciate any and all prayers sent my way! 🙂
In the full plate you face, try to take time to care for yourself. I worry that caregivers own health will falter. God bless and take care.