to say that 2020 and 2021 were long, dark & disappointing for us (as I’m sure they were for many of you) would be an understatement, right? And now with this Omicron thing breathing down our throats, it unfortunately seems like this feeling of fatigue & disappointment is going to follow us right into 2022. So with that mind, even though it might just be a virtual waste of time once again to set goals for the next year, we’re going to do it anyway in an effort to be optimistic and hopeful.
So here we go!
My Number ONE goal for 2022 is… to be able to enjoy and take part in a full show schedule this year! Since the lockdown began in March of 2020, we’ve missed 6 retail shows and 2 wholesale shows and the effect on our business has been devastating. I certainly don’t expect that the shows this year, particularly between now and June will be “normal” in all respects, but I would count it a victory to at least be able to actually have a show in the four locations that we normally visit. My fingers are crossed for this!
Our 2022 Show Schedule
Road to California – Ontario, CA – 1/19-22/2022
Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival – Hampton, VA – 2/24-27/2022
AQS Paducah – Paducah, KY – 4/27-30/2022
International Quilt Market – Houston, TX – 10/29-31/2022
International Quilt Festival – Houston, TX – 11/3-6/2022
2. A NEW Look for our Show Booth– The most difficult AND time-consuming part about assembling and disassembling our show booth is building those grid wall cubes on which we display our zippers, notions, fabrics and bag samples. My husband despises them and has begged me to find another way… ANY other way than having to build these grid boxes everywhere we vend, so a big goal this year is to find a way to simplify our setup and take down while still maintaining a functional & attractive display for our products!
Psst… we’re trying something NEW for our Road to California Show, so stay tuned for that?

3. Maintain our current schedule of publishing TWO newsletters per month. About six months into the pandemic I realized that with the loss of our shows we needed to connect with our customer base more regularly and adding a 2nd newsletter to our lineup seemed like a great option. This was relatively easy for us to accomplish and maintain with the extra time we had gained from having lost ALL of our shows, but it could be a little more challenging to keep doing once our shows come back on line. My goal is to keep publishing BOTH newsletters though because the benefits seem to be well worth it and we’ve had positive feedback from many of you! 🙂
4. Go on Vacation… preferably far, far away! The only time I truly relax, recharge and totally forget about what going on back home & with the business is when I get several time zones away. We’ve already had two overseas vacations be cancelled and at this point I’m not holding my breath for this year, but it sure would be nice….
5. And beyond this, my goals for 2022 are similar to previous years when we had a full show schedule, that being…
- publish 2 new patterns, as is normal for previous non-pandemic years.
- work towards increasing our social media reach on our Newsletter, our FaceBook page, our FaceBook Sewing GroupPage and Instagram.
- and possibly developing another zipper style to add to our line.
So in closing…
please know that I am SO grateful for your support in 2021 and for the past almost two decades. Every morning I wake up happy to go downstairs and work and everyday I know how fortunate I am to make my living doing what I most love doing! Here’s hoping 2022 deals us ALL a better hand!
And now, it’s YOUR turn!
Have YOU made any plans or goals for 2022, and would you like to share them with the rest of us? If so, please feel free to do so in the space provided below! And remember, we love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
Check out the best sewing pins with me on Pinterest, join in on discussions or show off your work in our FaceBook Group, or get your daily sewing fix on our Facebook Business Page or get behind the scenes scoops on Instagram, and be the 1st to know about new patterns, discount codes and sample sales by signing up for our monthly newsletter.