So… if you remember from our last post in this series, I was so happy with our 1st prototype that it was my intent that it would double as our “gorilla sample” as well! But then there was a structural failure that essentially trashed our prototype and totally derailed our intentions… which forced us to make what amounts to a 2nd prototype to serve as our “gorilla sample“, and here it is…
And this may well be the prettiest “gorilla sample” I’ve ever had the pleasure of carrying. I’m really excited about the prospect of sporting this bag around town for the next few weeks even though I made a stupid mistake by grabbing a 20″ closed bottom zipper on the main compartment instead of a 22″ purse zipper with 2 zipper pulls! RATS! But seriously, there really was VERY little I needed to change on this exterior. I did add about a total of ~3/8″ to the width of the side panels, not so much because the interior needed more space (although this DID add space to the interior) but because I felt that this additional width would help in the construction (and it did). Another change in this incarnation is a new way of attaching the side D-ring, which is via a horizontal strip between the panels, which is both effective with far less bulk in the seams! Here’s a good look at the Back side of this sample. I really like how the zipper totally frames the circumference of this bag and totally highlights our striped zipper! There’s nothing that needs to changed here. And if you unzip the back zipper, this is what you’ll see… SIXTEEN card slots! Now I’ve had several people suggest that these cards be oriented vertically rather than horizontally, but here’s the deal… there is NOT room for two columns of cards on each side if they are oriented this way. Several people have also voiced concern that cards might escape if they are stacked they way we’ve presented them above and that’s simply not true. First of all, the cards can be oriented so the slots open either to the left or to the rignt depending on your carrying preference & this compartment will NOT have to opened completely for you to take out the card you need to complete your transaction. Additionally, gravity is simply NOT going to cause a card to jump out of a side pocket, right? AND on another note…this fabric looks like it has large-sized Covid19 viruses all over it, right? I really didnt “see” that until just now! 😀And finally here’s peek at the interior of the main compartment and honestly, here’s where i needed to make some changes. First off on the right side, I redesigned the wallet section so it lays much flatter now. There’s a deep slot behind the zippered coin purse which is suitable for a passport/check register and there’s a mesh pocket in front of the cash slot, but I found that it was so “low” that it was difficult to use. On the left side, the elastic pen holders were just a shade too high because some of my pen tops were bumping up against the btop edge of the bag. I’ll fix this in the next round.
And now… let’s talk about this amazing fabric! It’s all from the “Origins” collection by Satin Moon for Blank Textiles.
I’ve actually had this fabric in my stash for quite some time. I simply had NO idea that the focal birds would be SO LARGE, making this fabric basically useless for bag designs.
But I liked the colorations so much that I decided to basically sacrifice the majority of this panel in order to salvage a prtion of it and I’m so happy I did. I think this bag is easily the most interesting & unusual “gorilla sample” I’ve ever had the pleasure of evaluating!
So do stay tuned for our next post in this series when we’ll give you our evaluation after carrying this bag for a few weeks! I’m pretty psyched about this bag & I hope you are too!
And now, it’s YOUR turn!
And remember, we love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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I LOVE this bag in this coloration! It’s absolutely gorgeous! It looks like there’s another slot pocket behind where the cash is? Am I seeing it wrong? What would this pocket be for? I really might need to make this!
Katon May 25, 2021 at 8:13 am
I’m so glad you like it Dawn
There’s a nice deep pocket behind the coin area that would a perfect size for a passport. a small notebook, or a check register. The zippered area is of course for coins, This pockets is shallow and curved on the edges so coins dont get “caught up in the corners. The slot pocket in front of the coin purse is for paper money. This sample includes a mesh pocket in front of all of this, but now that I’ve carried this bag a bit, I find its too low and too small to be of much use. It bugged me a good deal during construction as well, so it’s probably off the drawing table! 🙂
Mary Symeon May 26, 2021 at 5:38 pm
Hello Kat,
I was all ready to make another Everyday Attache, when I saw your first post about this new pattern! Thought I’d wait and see what this one turned out to be. It seems to be an updated version of Everyday Attache (which I love). Are they a similar size? Also, the only thing that bugs me is the way the D-ring upends in the little tab. In your new design, will there will enough room between the two zippers to use a 1″ triangle ring? I really like the look and function of those and use them whenever possible.
Thank you!
Mary Syme
Katon May 27, 2021 at 6:43 am
Hmmmm… not sure what you mean by “the D-ring unending”? Were you referencing the Everyday Attache or the newbag? As for the 1″ triangle…. we’re using a 5/8″ size. ANything larger than 5/8″ will interfere with construction! Thanks for commenting and just let us know if you have other questions. 🙂
Dawn Kingon May 25, 2021 at 5:39 am
I love this bag. When will the pattern be available? I want to make one ASAP!
Katon May 25, 2021 at 8:16 am
You know… the more I carry it, the more I’m falling in love with it too! Its a little too soon to say when we’ll release it. I’m dealing with a lot of routine but significant medical things right now that could push back the release date. I’m finally having my cataracts removed… first surgery was today, then I’ll be having e dental implants over the course of the summer and a 2nd knee replacement surgery. I definitely want it released b4 the Fall Quilt Market in October, but if all goes well we’re aiming for mid-August. 🙂
Leslieon May 25, 2021 at 9:49 am
I can’t wait for this pattern.
Katon May 25, 2021 at 10:03 am
Terrific! And I cant wait to show you MORE! 🙂
Virginia Barbaroon May 25, 2021 at 11:24 am
The bag is beautiful and looks like a perfect size. Too small to carry everyone else’s stuff! Hopefully I’ll have time to sew when the pattern is ready.
Katon May 25, 2021 at 5:21 pm
That is precisely why I like to carry a smaller bag! 🙂
Ginny Lambon May 25, 2021 at 1:08 pm
I love the vibrancy of the fabrics! Good luck on your various health issues.
Katon May 25, 2021 at 5:22 pm
Thanks Ginny! 🙂
Margieon May 26, 2021 at 1:39 pm
Love that fabric! I always wonder why you have so many card slots as I don’t have that many to carry. And havehad the 2 cataracts done and the dental implants so I hope the knee surgery goes well and gives you relief as many friends have told me they wished they had done it sooner. Prayers and wishes for good recovery for all the procedures. Margie
Katon May 26, 2021 at 4:27 pm
Well I carry very few true credit cards. Most of my cards are loyalty cards, insurance cards and some gift cards.
And then again…. for the sake of pictures, many are EXPIRED cards that I put in the picture so that folks have a good idea how many cards they can carry. Because believe me, most folks have WAY more cards than this! 😀
Raewyn Simpsonon May 27, 2021 at 12:23 am
Looking good. Hopefully my sunglasses will fit inside.
Katon May 27, 2021 at 6:38 am
That was one of MY goals as well! I think they should for you too! 🙂
Ruth Vogton May 27, 2021 at 2:32 am
Love love material. Can’t wait to make one
Katon May 27, 2021 at 6:37 am
This is music to my ears Ruth! Thanks for commenting!
Chrison May 27, 2021 at 3:56 am
Wow! 16 card slots! I love it. I love organization so I don’t have to worry about the extra weight of wallets. This looks like a wonderful design. Goodness! Take care of yourself. May all your procedures bring you good health.
Katon May 27, 2021 at 6:36 am
Thanks so much Chris! 🙂
Brenda Smithon May 27, 2021 at 4:03 am
Hi Kat,
Love the new bag! I typically carry a modifies Everyday Attaché, but this one looks promising. It has too many card slots for me ( I only use 6) so I’ll consider another type of pocket in place of the second card set. I wanted to suggest a key loop though. I add a strip of binding and a split ring in a corner of the large exterior pocket on the EA. That way I can attach my keys and they don’t fall out of the pocket. Love your designs!
Katon May 27, 2021 at 6:35 am
Yes. If you have no need of the 2nd wall of card slots it frees you up to add something else! 🙂
Margareton May 27, 2021 at 6:34 am
Sandyon May 27, 2021 at 6:38 am
I too like all the qualities of this design. I also agree with adding a key ring. Would an iphone fit in the outside front slot?
Katon May 27, 2021 at 6:44 am
Thanks for commenting Sandy. All cell phone will fit in the outside pouch area! 🙂
Trudy DeMeerleeron May 27, 2021 at 10:22 am
I really love this bag! I’d really like a transparent coin pocket so to see at a glance if I have the needed change. Sending good wishes for perfect outcomes of your medical procedures, Kat! Looking forward to this pattern’s release!!
Katon May 27, 2021 at 5:42 pm
I’m so glad to hear this Trudy and I cant wait to show you even MORE!
Nancy Rosaon May 31, 2021 at 6:20 am
This is beautiful, Kat!! I am loving how you coordinated the fabrics, zippers, etc. Very fun fabrics!
I LOVE this bag in this coloration! It’s absolutely gorgeous! It looks like there’s another slot pocket behind where the cash is? Am I seeing it wrong? What would this pocket be for? I really might need to make this!
I’m so glad you like it Dawn
There’s a nice deep pocket behind the coin area that would a perfect size for a passport. a small notebook, or a check register. The zippered area is of course for coins, This pockets is shallow and curved on the edges so coins dont get “caught up in the corners. The slot pocket in front of the coin purse is for paper money. This sample includes a mesh pocket in front of all of this, but now that I’ve carried this bag a bit, I find its too low and too small to be of much use. It bugged me a good deal during construction as well, so it’s probably off the drawing table! 🙂
Hello Kat,
I was all ready to make another Everyday Attache, when I saw your first post about this new pattern! Thought I’d wait and see what this one turned out to be. It seems to be an updated version of Everyday Attache (which I love). Are they a similar size? Also, the only thing that bugs me is the way the D-ring upends in the little tab. In your new design, will there will enough room between the two zippers to use a 1″ triangle ring? I really like the look and function of those and use them whenever possible.
Thank you!
Mary Syme
Hmmmm… not sure what you mean by “the D-ring unending”? Were you referencing the Everyday Attache or the newbag? As for the 1″ triangle…. we’re using a 5/8″ size. ANything larger than 5/8″ will interfere with construction! Thanks for commenting and just let us know if you have other questions. 🙂
I love this bag. When will the pattern be available? I want to make one ASAP!
You know… the more I carry it, the more I’m falling in love with it too! Its a little too soon to say when we’ll release it. I’m dealing with a lot of routine but significant medical things right now that could push back the release date. I’m finally having my cataracts removed… first surgery was today, then I’ll be having e dental implants over the course of the summer and a 2nd knee replacement surgery. I definitely want it released b4 the Fall Quilt Market in October, but if all goes well we’re aiming for mid-August. 🙂
I can’t wait for this pattern.
Terrific! And I cant wait to show you MORE! 🙂
The bag is beautiful and looks like a perfect size. Too small to carry everyone else’s stuff! Hopefully I’ll have time to sew when the pattern is ready.
That is precisely why I like to carry a smaller bag! 🙂
I love the vibrancy of the fabrics! Good luck on your various health issues.
Thanks Ginny! 🙂
Love that fabric! I always wonder why you have so many card slots as I don’t have that many to carry. And havehad the 2 cataracts done and the dental implants so I hope the knee surgery goes well and gives you relief as many friends have told me they wished they had done it sooner. Prayers and wishes for good recovery for all the procedures. Margie
Well I carry very few true credit cards. Most of my cards are loyalty cards, insurance cards and some gift cards.
And then again…. for the sake of pictures, many are EXPIRED cards that I put in the picture so that folks have a good idea how many cards they can carry. Because believe me, most folks have WAY more cards than this! 😀
Looking good. Hopefully my sunglasses will fit inside.
That was one of MY goals as well! I think they should for you too! 🙂
Love love material. Can’t wait to make one
This is music to my ears Ruth! Thanks for commenting!
Wow! 16 card slots! I love it. I love organization so I don’t have to worry about the extra weight of wallets. This looks like a wonderful design. Goodness! Take care of yourself. May all your procedures bring you good health.
Thanks so much Chris! 🙂
Hi Kat,
Love the new bag! I typically carry a modifies Everyday Attaché, but this one looks promising. It has too many card slots for me ( I only use 6) so I’ll consider another type of pocket in place of the second card set. I wanted to suggest a key loop though. I add a strip of binding and a split ring in a corner of the large exterior pocket on the EA. That way I can attach my keys and they don’t fall out of the pocket. Love your designs!
Yes. If you have no need of the 2nd wall of card slots it frees you up to add something else! 🙂
I too like all the qualities of this design. I also agree with adding a key ring. Would an iphone fit in the outside front slot?
Thanks for commenting Sandy. All cell phone will fit in the outside pouch area! 🙂
I really love this bag! I’d really like a transparent coin pocket so to see at a glance if I have the needed change. Sending good wishes for perfect outcomes of your medical procedures, Kat! Looking forward to this pattern’s release!!
I’m so glad to hear this Trudy and I cant wait to show you even MORE!
This is beautiful, Kat!! I am loving how you coordinated the fabrics, zippers, etc. Very fun fabrics!