in our last post we started showing you the show bags that will eventually choose between for our pattern cover! You might remember that in our last post we had solved the problem of the Secret Niche area not staying snapped closed. Another thing I better nail down pretty soon is the name for this new design. I have a couple of possibilities to consider and I’ll tell you more about those and solicit your feedback about them at the end of this post, but first let me show you this new sample!

Above is the hip-style arrangement which as you can see, features a nice flat silhouette.
Now let’s talk about a pattern name!
Which bring us around to the elusive name for this bag. As usual, I’m struggling with this but I thought maybe I’d choose a name that focuses one of the major bag functions. Here’s what we’re considering so far…
option #1 — Snap 2 It
option #2 — GateWay
option #3 — Snap Gate
option #4 — Gate Away
I’d love to hear which name YOU would choose if it were up to YOU, and of course if you think you have a name that would be “oh-so-much-better” (and hasn’t been used previously by me or anyone else), let’s hear it!

And lastly,
here’s some info about this fantastic fabric which is part of Jason Yenter’s yummy “Terrarium” collection for In The Beginning Fabrics. It features a 4-tier border arrangement (even though only 3 tiers are shown here) which is practically THE perfect size for LOTS of bag patterns!
And now…. it’s YOUR turn!
I’d love to know what you think of this design at this point and here’s the deal… I REALLY need to come up with a noteworthy name for this versatile little bag, so if you have a fun or unique suggestion, please feel free to share it or any other comment you might have in the space provided below.
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