in our last post I showed you the “gorilla sample” for this new design and told you what I liked and didn’t like about it.
And the next sample I made was a WIDER version (see at left in blue), and here’s the deal. This sample was a total disappointment to me… well almost. I can generally learn a few things from every sample I make and in this case I knew almost immediately that this bag was WAY wider than I had intended or needed for it to be. It went together easy enough but once I was aware that the proportions were WAY off, I didn’t want to waste any additional time on it with interior details. I just fast-forwarded myself directly to the next sample which was a revisit of the gorilla sample. This is because I wanted to make a decision once and for all as to whether to stay with the asymmetrical placement of the zippers and the result is the blue-multi sample seen at left and below.

So here’s what I liked about this sample.
I really like the size and shape so I’ll be definitely sticking with these dimensions for our “long sample” but I’m still thinking that I’ll be including 3 other sizes in this pattern offering… a wide, a tall and a short sample.
You also might notice that for the first time I added some interior features to this design and that would be some full-width and partitioned mesh pockets which I like a lot.
And here’s what will change next time.
Even though I like the “look” of the asymmetrical zipper placements I’m going to ditch it. After several samples under my belt I definitely feel that this placement INCREASES the difficulty factor and that’s mostly NOT a good thing. So… my plan is to do a total redesign of the pattern pieces for the zipper panels
So what comes next?
Next up, I want to make the 1st prototype of the tall sample and also the short one so stay tuned for that. I also want to do a little experimenting with laminating the lining fabrics for these bags which would certainly be advantageous if they are to be used for cosmetics or toiletry items.
And now…. it’s YOUR turn!
I’d love to know your impressions of our new design at this point in the process? And since we’re getting ready to work on the interior functionality, now would be a good time to let us know what you’d really like to see there. And remember, we love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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