it’s been five months since our last retail show which was in Paducah, KY, and you might remember from the Paducah show summary post that we had unveiled a brand new booth set up at that show and were relatively satisfied with it. So with that in mind, it would be logical to assume that we might stick with this booth set up for a few more shows, right?

That’s because we’ve added a new product offering to our line up since we were in Paducah, and that would be FABRIC! Not a lot mind you, just five different prints, but here’s the deal… Fabric takes a LOT of display space so where in the world could we put it since we were already using pretty much every available square inch of display area in our booth setup, right?

WRONG again!
So after looking at MANY pictures of our booth it suddenly dawned on me! Eureka! The extra space I needed was literally “under my nose”!
If you check out the picture at right, the yellow arrow indicates a totally unused display area! Up to now I’ve kept this area open and free because the bag samples basically obscure the sight lines, but if I push the whole display unit further back from the table edge, (say 6-8 inches) then I could still keep the bag samples the same, but move two rows of notions (circled in yellow) to the bottom of this display. The extra distance between the bottom of the grid boxes and the bag samples should improve the sight line adequately enough to place some of the slower-moving items there.

This should free up enough space (circled in yellow) under the first five patterns to hang up the FIVE different fabric prints we’re now carrying. The final result should look kinda like the graphic at left. 🙂

The rub is that in order to push the Notions Display “back” , I MAY need to eliminate one of the grid boxes along the side edge of the booth. I’ve been placing our larger bag samples on top of these grid boxes because it gives our customers easy access to them. In Paducah I had about 6″ at the tail end of these boxes so it really shouldn’t be a problem, but if I need more room than that I can always eliminate one of these grid boxes. This would of course also mean that I’d have to eliminate one of our bag samples from our display, but at this point I have a few older bags that really don’t need to be traveling with us any longer anyway.
So… the Va. Beach show will give us a great opportunity to try out this setup!
If it doesn’t work well for us, we’ll have time to tweek it a bit prior to our two Houston shows in November! And if you have comments or suggestions you’d like to share about this plan, I’m all ears and would love to hear them! Please feel free to leave your them in the space provided below. And if you’re going to be in the Virginia Beach area in early October, please make plans to attend this show!
Check out the best sewing pins with me on Pinterest, join in on discussions or show off your work in our FaceBook Group, or get your daily sewing fix on our Facebook Business Page or get behind the scenes scoops on Instagram, and be the 1st to know about new patterns, discount codes and sample sales by signing up for our monthly newsletter.
Looking forward to seeing you in Virginia on Friday the 25th of February! My sister and I are driving down from Delaware to visit with you in person and see the incredible quilt show! Can hardly wait!
Yippee! We’re looking forward to MAQF as well! See ya there! 🙂