you might remember that the last time we changed our booth setup was last year at this time, right before the 2016 Road to California show (detailed in this post & at left).
And you know what? It was actually a pretty good setup… so good in fact that we haven’t changed it a bit for an entire year, which is a record length of time for us to stick with a booth setup!
To be truthful, I thought we’d pretty much exhausted all of the ways we could effectively show our products inside of a 10ft by 10ft booth space. I figured we’d either stick with this setup until the day that we stopped vending altogether or until we bumped ourselves up to a larger booth, whichever came first!
But then it hit me! (in the middle of the night, of course!)
How could I NOT have seen that all this time there was actually…
TWO extra linear feet of display space under my nose?
or more specifically, to the left of my nose!
So, let me SHOW you how I’ll use it!

I found this cool 4 ft X 24″ wide table online that folds totally flat with the legs INSIDE, which is perfect for shipping OR for transporting in our SUV. And if I use it on the front row of my display in combination with a 6 ft (instead of an 8ft) table, I can take advantage of the full 10 linear feet of my booth (the new display area we’ll pick up is outlined in yellow).
And guess what else? I found an equally cool 6ft X 30″ wide table that folds closed the same way so now i can avoid renting ANY equipment at most shows (except for poles at the Quilt Market and Festival). I’m REALLY pumped about that!
So…. how will this new arrangement work out in actuality?
GREAT I hope, but I’ll find out for sure THIS WEEK when we try it out FOR REAL at the Road to California Quilter’s Conference in Ontario, Ca! So if you’re planning on attending the show, please stop by and check it (and us) out in person! I’d love to find out what you think of our new arrangement!
And even if you won’t be coming to Road 2 California, I’d still love to know what you think of our new booth display plan. Remember, I love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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