with the Guardian release finally in our rear-view mirror, I feel like I can finally take my eyes off my computer screen and turn them toward Portland, Oregon, the site of this Spring’s International Quilt Market, which ironically was the site of our very first Quilt Market back in 2008. When I think of how much has changed our first market, it’s just mind-boggling! Can you believe that back then we actually got ALL of our booth materials packed into one suitcase and carried it on the plane with us? WOW!
And even though I enjoy visiting a new venue every Spring, it’ll be kinda nice to return to Portland. We’re familiar with the city, the flight in over Mt Hood is nothing short of spectacular, and the mass transit system is outstanding! I guess we qualify as grizzled veterans now. 🙂
Anyway, I thought you might like to see how our Spring “look” has evolved since 2008 and then give you an exclusive on the changes we’ve planned for our 2013 layout!

So… as you can see, if there’s anything consistent about the history of our Booth displays, it’s that we consistently change it up, and guess what? It’s time to make the changes that we’ve literally been pondering since last Fall in Houston. You might remember that in a previous post we shared the blueprint we have in mind for this Spring’s look and now it’s time to see if it can work for REAL with the sample bags we intend to take with us to Portland.
If you’ve been with us for previous cycles, you know that we normally push everything out of the studio and set-up our mock display on the floor in there, but this time my husband suggested I avoid the complete disruption that this generally causes and just move a car or two out of the garage and set it all up out there instead… to which I replied… “DUH!” (I’m ashamed I didn’t think of this before!)

new table configuration we’re going to try for the first time in Portland.
Long story short, we’re taking 4 square feet of display area from the left side
and moving it the right side of our booth because we definitely need more display
area for our notions and work space for me. But there’s another big difference
that’s not immediately apparent in the picture above. (see below)

work height, or ~6″ taller than the bag display area on the left (indicated by my
less than perfect drawings).. This is roughly twice as much work height area
than we had in Houston last Fall.

(I added them to the picture above in case you couldn’t tell.)

with us this time. I can to put my shelves together quite a bit different this time since
the left side is so much longer than the right side, but it worked out just fine.
And here’s what our lineup will basically look Friday in Portland. Oh, I’ll play around staggering the bag heights a bit once we get there, but other than that, not much else will change. I’ll have this picture and some very specific notes to go by, and having made all of these decisions at home, in advance of the show will really save me a WHOLE lot of stress and time in Portland!
So… now it’s YOUR turn to sound off. I’d love to hear any thoughts you’d care to share about our displays, past OR present,and stay tuned for much MORE about this year’s Spring Quilt Market.
Because we’re on our way there, even as we speak!
I’ll be posting pictures and live updates directly to our Facebook page
from the Market floor and of course there will be several posts here after we gt back!
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