PPC32: the Carolinian Pattern Cover Reveal

So… in our last post we had a little fun letting YOU be the designer and choosing which of our bag samples YOU would choose to grace the pattern cover for our 1st new pattern of 2025, the Carolinian. Thanks SO much to everyone who voiced their opinion! Pattern design can be rather solitary work and I REALLY like hearing the logic behind which bag my customers would choose for the cover.

And here’s the deal, the best part about this cycle was that SO many of you ALSO included your reasons why you chose the cover sample that you did. I LOVE that! Your opinions were invaluable and I really was able to take them into account this time! THANK YOU!

A blue bag with flowers on it

On the QT – 10/9/24

This was the first real sample that I created for this design,
and while I was pretty satisfied with the exterior,
I wasnt happy with the interior at all.
I used one of my translucent zippers, which is probably
the LEAST flexible of ALL for the main entry area,
and in order to make it lay down flat, I had to commit
the cardinal of snipping into the zipper tape!
So need I say more? For this reason, this sample is OUT!

A blue purse sitting on top of a white chair.

Owls in Disguise – 10/17/24

First off- I loved this fabric and I think it paired well with the light blue contrast. This was the 1st sample that actually included a detailed interior, but I was still struggling with the length of the entry Zipper Panel. My first thought was to make it small enough to not interfere with the extended strap bands, but as it turned out, this option left too much open space on either end for the bag contents to “escape”, which means that it was OUT!

A bag with a strap and a pattern of leaves.

It’s Fall Y’all – 1/3/25

I REALLY enjoyed making this sample, probably because it was a big departure from my usual fabric choices! I was more satisified, (but not totally), with the entry zipper panel area. I strongly considered it for the cover, but as it turned out, the thing that eliminated it, was actually the fabric choice. But while I liked the exterior fabric, I just didn’t think it to be vibrant enough for a cover model, so… it was OUT!

In the Wind – 1/10/25

So… I was very taken with this unusual print… but… was HORRIFIED when I discovered that I placed all of the little wind tornadoes going from west to east, or vice versa! This just wasn’t what I initially visualized, so for that reason, So I was very taken with this unusual print… but… was HORRIFIED when I discovered that I placed all of the little wind tornadoes
going from west to east, or vice versa! This just wasn’t what I initially visualized, so for that reason, it was OUT as a possibility for the cover model!

Dragonfly Dream – 2/6/25

And this sample… besides being absolutely, and designingly “perfect”, I am totally and completely in love with this fabric and what it does for this sample! And you know what? I seriously thought about putting BOTH it, and another similarly awesome sample on the cover, but instead, I begrudgingly told myself that this sample was out!

Frond Abstract – 2/11/25

And for this sample… I used a VERY LARGE panel print from Frond Design Studios that I’ve had for a very long time, but honestly thought would never be suitable to be used in one of my bag samples.


But as much as I loved this sample, I just couldn’t believe that it would be as universally accepted as it would need to be, in order to be a successful cover model!

So… if you haven’t already guessed, (by process of elimination), it’s with great pleasure
that I now reveal the official pattern cover for the “Carolinian” pattern!

I was drawn immediately to this print! But here’s the deal… I also loved the DragonFly Dream fabric… as much or maybe even MORE perhaps than this print, but I have always tried to use a light background print, as opposed to something dark. I feel like the darker, DargonFly Dream sample will be the bigger “hit” at shows, but the DragonFly Illusion prints (which we have chosen for our cover) will create more of a buzz online!

Which is kinda what we’re after longterm, right?!?

So did we make the perfect choice?.

Truth is, only time will tell! The Carolinian pattern has been very well received so far, and even though I easily could have gone with a couple other choices for our cover model, I know from experience that had I chose another it probably wouldn’t make a bit of difference “sales-wise”. I feel good about this choice. I especially feel good that it was validated by SO MANY of you either by commenting on the post, or on social media or even by email! THANK YOU for all of your feedback!

So… all that’s left now, is to RELEASE THE PATTERN!

But PLEASE NOTE!!!! — Just as we did in our HighSeas Convertible rollout last Fall, we’ll be announcing the Carolinian pattern release sometime during the 1st week of March by way of a special edition of our bi-monthly newsletter, Bag Making is FUN. As is our norm, it will include a time-sensitive discount code toward the purchase of the Carolinian pattern, so don’t miss out! If you don’t already receive our newsletter in your Inbox bi-monthly, you still have a small window of time to sign up & get in on the fun, PLUS pick up our newsletter discount coupon also, by clicking HERE.

And now it’s YOUR turn!

Call me crazy but I always love knowing if you agree with our selection or if you think we totally blew it! So please feel free to leave your comments and/or questions in the space provided below! Don’t worry. We won’t be mad if you disagree with us! 🙂

Check out the best sewing pins with me on Pinterest, join in on discussions or show off your work in our FaceBook Group, or get your daily sewing fix on our Facebook Business Page or the behind the scenes scoops on Instagram! And don’t forget to check out our video tips & tricks on our You Tube Channel and be the 1st to know about new patterns, discount codes and sample sales by signing up for “Bag Making is Fun”, our bi-monthly newsletter.



  1. Beth on February 21, 2025 at 12:37 pm

    This is a beautiful choice for your cover model. I had originally picked “It’s Fall Y’all” as my choice because it is so different, yet still very attractive. However, I can see how it is not as vibrant as the dragonfly fabric. Good job choosing, as always!

    • Kat on February 22, 2025 at 8:23 am

      Thanks Beth! I love the Fall Bag too. Its always a hard choice. Sometimes I choose well, and sometimes I blow it! 😀

  2. Charlene Samanich on February 21, 2025 at 8:45 pm

    That’s the one I voted for, so of course it was the CORRECT choice, LOL!

    • Kat on February 22, 2025 at 8:23 am

      Time will tell of course! 😀

    • Judy Stonerock on February 28, 2025 at 3:40 pm

      Do you think we could alter the straps to make them an adjustable like a cross body purse?

      • Kat on February 28, 2025 at 6:50 pm

        Thanks for commenting Judy! I can see where you may want to alter the straps to adjustable and that actually should be a relatively easy change for most of our customers to make! 🙂

  3. Jo Fowler on February 28, 2025 at 8:20 am

    It is a “Stand Out”!

  4. Mary L on February 28, 2025 at 9:09 am

    I do love this print❤️

  5. M Carr on February 28, 2025 at 10:03 am

    For me, the brightness is hard to take and I probably would pass on the pattern if I had not seen the progress of this bag along the way. I will print this page in color for inspiration and be one of the 1st to buy the pattern! I hope your usual buyers LOVE the bright!

    • Kat on February 28, 2025 at 6:47 pm

      Thanks for commenting M Carr. But I like to think that our customers are among the most creative around, and have shown that they easily imagine our designs in a variety of fabrics! 🙂

  6. Karen T Pennington on February 28, 2025 at 10:12 am

    Love the Dragonfly fabric, but also liked the one with the swirls. The outside of the bag looks great, but can’t wait to see the inside. Good luck with the reveal.

    • Kat on February 28, 2025 at 6:48 pm

      Thanks you so much Karen!~

  7. Carol Hilton on February 28, 2025 at 1:46 pm

    I actually liked all of the samples and can only imagine your dilemma for the final choice. However, I do think the dragonfly was the superior choice, It makes me smile just looking at it, the design is terrific, the colors are vibrant and make me happy.
    Not only is it outstanding, but the fabric generates the desire to make the purse using the fabric you’ve chosen. You definitely have an eye for exciting your customers.

    • Kat on February 28, 2025 at 6:48 pm

      Thanks Carol. We are really selling a LOT of this fabric at the MAQF’25 this week.

  8. Alma Lou Annab on March 1, 2025 at 2:29 am

    The fabric on the cover model is beautiful. I have something similar in my stash, and see so many possibilities! Can’t wait for it to be available online! Well done, Kat. Always something useful and beautiful!

    • Kat on March 1, 2025 at 8:27 am

      I cant wait to see what all of you create. 🙂