So… the competition quilts at Quilt Market & Festival were truly fantastic! It was a marvelous collection but I had a very hard time finding time to wander among all of the possibilities due to my illness & the need to be in communication with the authorities back in North Carolina due to my Dad’s passing, BUT… based on the quilts I was actually able to visit, below you will find “My Favorite Seven” & here they are in NO particular order of preference except for the LAST entry, (which is SO extraordinary that it’s totally in a league of it’s own!!)
(And if you’d like to see a closeup of any or all of these beauties, just click on that quilt!)

And now, it’s YOUR turn!
I’d love to know which of these quilts you would pick as YOUR favorite?
And if you have comments you’d like to share, suggestions you’d like to make, or questions you’d like to ask about this design in general or this sample in specific, please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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