So… even though I’ve been in business for 20+ years, I still get a big kick out of seeing our customers carrying bags they’ve made from our patterns! And what better place to “spy” these customers than at a retail quilt/craft show, right?
And you know what? we “spied” THIRTEEN of our bags “walking the floor” of AQS Quiltweek Paducah ’24 ! This year the selection of bags we saw at this show were a bit Sling Along “heavy”, but one thing is for sure…
they were ALL marvelous!
So… let me show you!

Sandy Davis & her Bangle Buddie
Pat Trapp & her ErgoMatic

Here’s Mary Morrissey with her sewing & shopping buddy. They came to the show sporting the Sling Along‘s they made together!
and Tonja Smith (at left) & Debbie Lambert (at right) also had a fun time showing off their sewing prowess & and their terrific Sling Along‘s!

Diane Faue came to the show adorned in not but TWO lovely Tandem DayPack‘s!
And here’s Brenda Woods with her “bubbly” ErgoMatic… the perfect way to be handsfree to the show!
Donna Lamont told me she took her Sling Along on a long overseas vacation, and said it was a perfect travel companion!

Judy Avant stopped by our booth with her shopping buddy… her Sling Along! She was very proud of it and no wonder! Its beautiful!
And here’s my friend & fellow vendor, Debbie Wendt (Wendt Quilting), with her impressive OutBreaker. She been promising to let me see this bag for a LONG time & finally brought it to a show. Isn’t it a cutie?

Diana Duggin said she’s a self-described “old hippie” and that explains her choice of fabric for her adorable Go-Go Compact! I loved it!
And finally, Debra Riley caught up with us on the last day of the show with her fantastic Flaptastic which she quilted & embroidered so wonderfully! Both she AND her bag made me smile!
But here’s the deal…
Last year I decided to offer a TEN PERCENT across the board discount to every single person who came to our booth wearing an SKD bag, and that’s EXACTLY what we have done! And it’s been SUCH fun seeing all of these wonderful bags that we plan on repeating this offer for our next Quilt Festival… the grand daddy of them all… the International Quilt Festival in Houston, TX at the end of October ’24. So what are you waiting for? Get those patterns out and finish up a bag to wear and get YOU a nifty discount on your entire purchase while we’re there!
And now, it’s YOUR turn!
Do you have a bag you’ve made from one of our patterns? And if so, how about taking a cue from these ladies and wear it to one of our Quilt Festivals this year to pick up a cool 10% off or your entire show purchase?
Check out the best sewing pins with me on Pinterest, join in on discussions or show off your work in our FaceBook Group, or get your daily sewing fix on our Facebook Business Page or the behind the scenes scoops on Instagram! And don’t forget to check out our video tips & tricks on our You Tube Channel and be the 1st to know about new patterns, discount codes and sample sales by signing up for “Bag Making is Fun”, our bi-monthly newsletter.