So… now that the International Quilt Market & Festival ’23 is in the books let me just say, “These were BOTH fantastic shows!”
The crowds were huge, the weather was great and for the first time in several years we did not have to deal with the crowds of World Series fans cheering on the Houston Astros literally across the street from out hotel! We did have to compete with the “Wheelchair Rugby Tournament” and also “Collect-A-Con” but these somehow felt different. 🙂
But what we enjoyed seeing most was the NINETEEN customers who stopped by our booth to show us the bags they had made from our patterns!
Scroll down for a closer look!

At left: Donna DePlazes and her ErgoMatic
Center: Carmen and her Cosmo Convertible
At right: Susan Pain and her Guardian

At left: Cathy DeWoody and her GateWay
Center: Sue Goodwin and her GateWay
At right: Judy Ludford and her Sling Along

At left: Kathy Meyer and her Gemini Flightbag
Center: Kristie Hover and her Bella BiFold
At right: Gerry Mallett and her Elsie K Baglet (created by Deb Mullinnix)

At left: Deb Mullinix and her modified Flaptastic
Center: Cindy R and her Side Slinger
At Left: Jan Strickler and her Walkabout Wallet

At left: Sharon Smith and her Guardian (created by Vickie Morden (right)
Center: Annette Copeland and her Elsie K Baglet
At right: Audrey and her Gemini Flightbag

At left: Angelia Fleming Loggie and her Sling Along
Center: A vinyl Gemini FlightBag by this beautiful woman
(who got unfortunately away b4 I could get her name)
and at right: A stunning & colorful Sling Along created by Virginia Compton
and finally… stopping by to see us on Sunday afternoon, the last day of the Festival was Mary Morrissey with her denim Sling Along!

But here’s the deal…
Last year I decided to offer a TEN PERCENT across the board discount to every single person who comes to our booth wearing an SKD bag, and that’s EXACTLY what we have done! And it’s been SUCH fun seeing all of these wonderful bags that we plan on repeating this offer for ALL of our 2024 Festivals… so what are you waiting for? Get those patterns out and finish up a bag to bring to show near you next year! 🙂
And now, it’s YOUR turn!
Do you have a bag you’ve made from one of our patterns? And if so, how about taking a cue from these ladies and wear it to one of our Quilt Festivals next year to pick up a cool 10% off or your entire show purchase?
And remember, we love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
Check out the best sewing pins with me on Pinterest, join in on discussions or show off your work in our FaceBook Group, or get your daily sewing fix on our Facebook Business Page or the behind the scenes scoops on Instagram! And don’t forget to check out our video tips & tricks on our You Tube Channel and be the 1st to know about new patterns, discount codes and sample sales by signing up for “Bag Making is Fun”, our bi-monthly newsletter.
Those bags all look terrific!! Great advertisements for your patterns!