So… here’s how it went…
we added our new twist locks to our product line when we released the Bella BiFold pattern, but when I tried to find a place for our supply of twist locks to live I found that there was JUST… NO… ROOM !!! I mean NONE!
I’ve known this day was coming for quite some time now but I kept telling myself, “Maybe next month I’ll have time to really go thru this studio & reorganize!” But since there’s ALWAYS something I’d rather be doing than cleaning & reorganizing, the situation has really gotten totally out of control!
Not too long ago, things hit critical mass, so first I set about to re-organize the hardware area of my storage room, But you know how it goes… one thing led to another and then I realized that the storage cabinet next to my machine was also grossly unorganized, which led me to realize that we had LOTS of hardware items taking up space in our studio that were either associated with older & retired patterns, or were purchased during the process of developing a new pattern, but set aside for one reason or another… which ultimately led to something that was long overdue…
A Major Inventory PURGE!
Which ultimately led me to realize that the only way out of this dilemma was to have a CLEARANCE SALE! That’s right. All the items you see in the graphic above (and several MORE not shown) have been drastically reduced by 50-70% off the MSRP because I simply MUST free up some space! So… click HERE to go to our new CloseOut Hardware Page to get in on some of the best buys on the Internet! Needless to say, all sales of these closeout items are final but don’t delay- there’s a limited supply of some of these items, so the party won’t last forever!
And now, it’s YOUR turn!
If you have comments you’d like to share or questions you’d like to ask about our Hardware CloseOut Sale, please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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