we’ve started something new a couple of weeks ago. It’s a private FaceBook page for our customers and I guess the obvious question is….
And here’s the thing… there’s more than one answer to this question, so here goes….

1- Facebook has once again changed their algorithym. What does that mean? Well… even though I am by no means an expert on this topic, here’s the explanation as I understand it. In response to some of the controversy generated during the last election, FaceBook is making it much less likely that you will see posts created by businesses… and that means ALL businesses, even the ones you’ve CHOSEN to follow, even us. And because it takes quite a bit of effort on our part to maintain the presence that we do on FaceBook, it’s quite disappointing to think that it may all fall thru the cracks and you won’t see it.
So… we have created a closed and private group for customers who follow us. This means that only those who are granted access to our group will see our posts, BUT, because our members have joined our FaceBook Group Page by choice, they will automatically see ALL of our posts.
And just so you know, one way you can take back SOME of the control over what you see in YOUR FaceBook feed is to go to the “NewsFeed” tab at the top of the left-hand column on your page and click on the three little dots. Next click on “Edit Preferences” and then “Prioritize who to see first”. This view should show you everyone you follow and YOU can now choose whose posts you’ll see early in your feed, (like us, for example).
2- YOU get the opportunity to post pictures, comments or questions on this page! How cool is that, right? Maybe you’ve just completed a bag and just want to show it to someone who “gets it”! You could show it to your hubby or your neighbor, but let’s face it, they very likely don’t understand the work or the love you’ve put into it! But what if you could upload a picture and voila… get immediate accolades? Wouldn’t that be awesome? And here’s the thing… because it’s a private group, you don’t have to worry about boring all of your other non-sewing FaceBook friends with the questions or pictures you like or post within our group, because ONLY your fellow group members will see it! 🙂
Or what if you are in the midst of sewing and have a question about a step or a supply item for one of our bags? You could email me, but it might be after hours, or I could be away from home or out of the country and unavailable to answer the question! But what if you could pose the question to this group and get an almost immediate answer since there’s bound to be someone in this group who has already made the bag in question? Wouldn’t that be great?
So… there’s the reasoning, but does this mean we’re abandoning our old FaceBook page? Not at all! How could we ever turn our back on 196,000+ loyal followers? But out of necessity we do feel its time to change some of our emphasis to a platform where we can be sure our message will actually be heard! We’ll continue to post on our FaceBook business page… though perhaps not as often as we once did. Our Wednesday videos will still be there (so that they can be freely shared), and we’ll still post announcements & specials there, but if you want to be sure to actually SEE all of those things, I would suggest you give our new FaceBook group page a try!
So… are you ready to give it a whirl? Just click HERE to give our new group a try. You’ll need to answer two quick questions for me (to prove you’re neither a bot or a stalker) but I promise I’ll approve your request as soon as possible! And thanks in advance for your understanding!
And now…here’s hoping I’ll meet up with you in our new FaceBook group real soon!
So please feel free to leave any questions or comments you might have about FaceBook groups or the new FaceBook policy for businesses in the space provided below.
Check out the best sewing pins with me on Pinterest, join in on discussions or show off your work in our FaceBook Group, or get your daily sewing fix on our Facebook Business Page or get behind the scenes scoops on Instagram, and be the 1st to know about new patterns, discount codes and sample sales by signing up for our monthly newsletter.