Tandem DayPack

the June’24 Eye Candy Showcase

You know what? This is always one of my favorite times of the month... getting to show off some of ...
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AQS Paducah’24: the Recap

So... even though the International Quilt Festival in Houston, TX may be way larger and more profitable, and even though ...
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AQS Paducah’24 – Seen at Show

So... even though I've been in business for 20+ years, I still get a big kick out of seeing our ...
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the May’24 Eye Candy Showcase

You know what? This is always one of my favorite times of the month... getting to show off some of ...
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the April’24 Eye Candy Showcase

So... it's that time again! It's time to let the skills of our customers shine in the April '24 Eye ...
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PPC30: Testers Times SIX

So... one of my favorite parts of the pattern development process is the testing round. I just LOVE seeing what ...
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the Eye Candy Showcase for March ’24

So... it's that time again! It's time to let the skills of our customers shine in the March '24 Eye ...
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PPC30: the Tandem DayPack Pattern Release

The Tandem DayPack pattern and webpage is FINALLY ready for release to the public! And to celebrate, we're offering a ...
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PPC30: The Tandem DayPack Pattern Cover Reveal

So... in our last post we had a little fun letting YOU be the designer and choosing which of our bag ...
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PPC30: Help Us Choose the Tandem DayPack Cover Model

So.... we're almost ready to finish up another pattern! But before we can, we need to choose the ONE sample ...
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