So… you might remember from our last post, that as much as we liked our “Gorilla Sample”, there were some specific areas where we felt that some changes were in order!
Probably the most obvious area we changed was the top edge of the front slip pocket, where you might notice that I’ve change the shape! I added a graceful curve here which is also reflected in the shape of the bag top and bag back.
My goal in changing the shape of this area is actually 3-fold:
1st– I needed to deepen this pocket so that my phone could be completely concealed within it.
2nd– In my estimation, the Bag Front needed a little something extra to add more visual interest.
3rd– the larger Slip Pocket area provides an even greater amount of space for showing off embroidery, piecework, or a cool focal print, (as in this bag at right).

And how could I feel comfortable with my phone being stored in that new “shapely” Slip Pocket, without an assurance that it would be safe there?
So first off– I included a magnetic snap near the top edge, as well as a closure. I can assure you that not much will escape this pocket now… least of all a phone!

So… here’s a couple more alternative looks at this sample.
Above left– a look at the Bag Back with the same curved top edge
& our translucent zipper give the illusion of more contrast trim!
Above right– is a glancing side view of the Bag Front
& the recessed zipper protecting your main storage area!

And here’s 2 overhead-type shots giving you a better look at the recessed zipper,
& also the interior slip pocket I added for this round (you can see it in the photo above right).
And finally- a word about this fabric.
This fabric is a product of QT Fabrics and I got it several years ago, although I never seemed to have a project that seemed “right for it. For this sample, I used 3 fabrics from the same collection from QT Fabrics… a large bluish print, a smaller bluish print & a contrasting print in a shade of melon. I wish I could give you more information, but there was really nothing extra supplied on the selvage.
And now…. it’s YOUR turn!
I’d love to know what you think of this design thus far. Does this bag seem like one you might enjoy carrying? And if you have comments you’d like to share, suggestions you’d like to make, or questions you’d like to ask about this design in general or this sample in specific, please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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