So… one of my favorite parts of the pattern development process is the testing round. I just LOVE seeing what our testers are inspired to create, especially since each one of our testers seems to have their own individual style and several have a real flair for the dramatic!
Let’s take a look, shall we?

I met Marthe Jones (of Austin, TX), last year on a river cruise of all places & by the time I flew home I had her name, address & her promise to test our next pattern for us, which she did as we were finishing up our Easy Go Wallet! And I’m SO glad she enjoyed the process, because look at the terrific sample she created while she was testing our Tandem DayPack pattern!

Lori Gates is located in Florida now and has been testing for us since the Fall of 2008 when we introduced the Boho Baguette and that’s before we even started the first cycle of Purse Pattern Chronicles! Lori is an excellent grammatician & proof-reader & I totally appreciate her skillset! Lori said this bag worked up super quick but she wasn’t entirely sure that the fabric she used was her best option, but it’s beautiful material that her best friend brought back from Kenya and this bag will be her birthday present later this spring! I LOVE it Lori! Great job!

Mary Larson of Rochester, MN started testing for us in the 11th cycle of Purse Pattern Chronicles with the Triple Play in 2015. I really love the bold graphic print Mary chose for this sample. The black & white coloration is a departure from her norm but of course I love it! Mary said this was a fun little bag to work up and I hope she finds it just as much if not more fun to carry! Thanks Mary!

Nancy Rosa started testing for us in the 26th round of Purse Pattern Chronicles (the Bella BiFold) and she is very well known in our FaceBook Sewing group for her ability to construct bags with totally spectacular fabric combinations! And actually, even though Nancy’s take on our new Tandem DayPack could be said to be “tame” compared to her usual fabric choices I really like it! First of all… I’m a confirmed fan of all things “black & white” but secondly, this bag is pure-tee GORGEOUS! Thanks Nancy! 🙂

Beth Revere hails from Council Grove, Kansas and started testing for us WAY BACK in the 8th cycle of Purse Pattern Chronicles in 2014 with the Wrapsody design. I always love the bags Beth creates (and this Tandem DayPack is no exception) and here’s the deal… the comments & suggestions Beth sends “post testing†are always on point and SO helpful! For this reason Beth has become a bit of an institution for us! Thanks Beth! I love that you used our red & white striped zippers for the sample you made. And even though I love all things “black & white”, it’s ALSO fun to see that our Tandem DayPack designs looks SUPER in COLOR!

Jeanette Jay hails from San Antonio, TX and began testing for us in the Spring of 2022 with the release of our Bella BiFold design & she actually created TWO samples to provide us with pattern feedback! She said she found this project to be a fun one! For her first attempt (pictured above), she tried using cork in the flap which caused all kinds of problems for her, mainly due to the bulkiness it added. She stuck to quilter’s cottons for her second sample (pictured below). As for me, I don’t know which one I like better! :).

And now, it’s YOUR turn!
If you like the bags our wonderful testers have created this time and if you’d like to leave them some love for them in the “Comments” section” below I’m sure they’d appreciate it. And if you have any questions about the testing process in general, or any of these bag samples in particular, you can leave those there as well and I (or they) will do our best to answer them!
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