So… in this post, I’m revealing what I am confidant will be the last sample I’ll be making in advance of the release of our next new pattern, the Tandem DayPack! And even though we’ll be releasing this pattern in mid-February, (which is easily a month earlier than usual), it seems to me we’ve been working on it for a long, LONG time (since mid-September ’23 actually). Unfortunately there were quite a few distractions along the way that took my attention away from this project!

We persevered nevertheless and here we are. One thing that helped in this regard is that this project is one of the lest complicated that we’ve produced to date and it also works a good deal faster than is usual for our projects!

Here’s a couple shots that clearly show that the “straight-on” silhouette for the Bag Front & Back of this design are identical. That’s because the focal point of the Tandem DayPack is only apparent from the side view (seen below)!

Also, I loved finding this beautiful fabric because it gave me the opportunity to showcase my wonderful silver lame zippers with the adorable “star” zipper pulls. (Don’t they look fabulous?)
Additionally, these shots give you a good idea of the unique side silhouette of the Tandem DayPack. The zippered front pouch area is pretty roomy, but there’s actually a SECOND zippered pocket at the Bag Top area, resulting in a full depth storage area. I like to deposit my phone here along with my key fob, a pen or two and a little memo pad!

These two shots will give you a good idea of just how roomy the front Pouch is. I have no problems storing my full-sized wallet here along with my eyeglass case. There’s also room in the bottom of the Pouch for some cosmetic items and a few lifesavers or breath mints!

The Tandem DayPack can be carried with ease as either a cross-body bag (at left) or as a standard shoulder bag (at right). I have to admit that I’m not too much of a crossbody girl unless I’m at a ball game or traveling, but it’s nice to have the option, right? And these pictures give you an idea of the overall bag size. 🙂

This exterior fabric is called “Shimmer” and its by Deborah Edwards for Northcott Fabrics.
I paired it with a silver & white stripe lining and of course my silver lame zippers for the finishing touch! I love the result!
And now, it’s YOUR turn!
I have to tell you that we’re pretty much at the end of the line here. This will be the last sample I’ll be making in the runup to the pattern release of the Tandem DayPack, which just means ONE THING…
It’s time to choose our pattern cover sample!
And we just LOVE it when YOU help us make that all-important decision! So do stay tuned for our next post in this series (on Monday, 2/5/24), when you’ll get the opportunity to let us know which of the samples we’ve created for this design should be the one that graces out pattern cover! It’s literally one of my favorite posts of the year so I’m hoping you’ll help us out!
And as always, if you have comments you’d like to share, suggestions you’d like to make, or questions you’d like to ask about this design in general or this sample in specific, please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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