Take a look at the photo below and see if you can notice the HUGE mistake I made!

OK… I’ll give you a hint. It has to do with the zipper!
And Yep! I actually screamed out loud when I saw that I had neglected to push the zipper INSIDE the stitching areas! Don’t you just hate it when you make a careless mistake like that? And here’s the thing… it really was inexcusable and it just goes to show you that no matter how many times you use a pattern, you STILL have to glance at them every now and then, which is the reason I screwed up here!

But that wasn’t the only or the WORST part of this mistake!
So I specifically created this bag with the idea that THIS would be the bag that I would take step pictures of for our customers to use while making their bags. Dark colored bags are never a good choice because the stitching details are difficult to discern. And I also like to be able to differentiate between the lining color and the exterior color and this bag checked both of those boxes.
And that’s why it was devastating to see that I had taken pictures of this particular step and the colors were great, they were sharp and the stitching was easy to see but OH NO!!! I had stupidly neglected to retake the picture after I had ripped the stitching out and moved the zipper to the position it was supposed to be in! And for a moment (or two), I actually thought about using this picture anyway thinking…
“What are the odds anyone will actually notice the position of the zipper pull?”
But I knew that was a dumb question since our customers are totally knowledgeable and I also knew they would give me hell (and deservedly so) if I ever tried to slide this by them. So even though this was supposed to be the last sample I would make for the Gemini FlightBag, I had to make another whole sample just so I could re-photograph these couple of steps! Rats! and DOUBLE RATS!

But of course there’s a silver lining! If I hadn’t made one more sample then I never would have made THIS amazing bag which is actually one of my all-time favorites! So it’s all good, right?
And now, it’s YOUR turn!
Don’t you just HATE it when you make dumb mistakes like this? But can you think of a time when eventually something beautiful resulted from that mistake? If so I’d love for you to share a few details with us all. And remember, we love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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My first attempt at making an SKD purse was way back near the beginning, before helpful instructional aides and videos were a boon to the sewer. The Vervalise had two credit card caddy areas that I was really looking forward to using. Unfortunately, I read the instructions for sewing them at least three times and absolutely could not understand what I was supposed to do. I finally decided just to give it a try and as the old saying at my workplace went – ‘Go wit’ my mind’. It was very hard to do. Though the results for the first one weren’t perfect, it could be made to work. Just for the heck of it, I decided to read the instructions one more time before trying the second set. WHAT?! THIS MAKES PERFECT SENSE! How could I not have understood it the first three times I read it??? So I followed the instructions and the second set went together SO easily. Wow. I learned my lesson. The SKD instructions DO make sense. I have learned that if my mind isn’t ready to understand something yet, to just lay it down and come back another day. And in case you doubt, I have found the same thing to be true with crossword puzzles. The brain really is a mysterious instrument. And I loved that purse.
Thanks Mary- This is all excellent advice! 🙂