it’s almost time to release our new pattern, the Sling Along! And since our last post was the all-important “Choose the Cover Model” post, that the bewitching day can’t be too far now!
But wait a second! I’ve still got one more sample to show you!

Because here’s the deal… from the moment I finished the sketches for this design, I knew that for the first time in my career as a pattern designer that this bag could actually be termed a unisex bag…. a “man purse” if you will! Of course I knew I would need to make up a sample in a more neutral palette to demonstrate this and since I knew that by definition I would never consider this sample as a cover model, I decided to wait until after all of the cover postings to show it to you!

Now I know that most guys would probably prefer a solid, one-color bag, especially since I used one of our new zippers with the cute little zipperpull! But I somehow could just not make myself sit down and sew up something as boring as that. I was honestly afraid I might just fall alseep while sewing it! Just kidding of course but seriously, I just couldn’t get excited over that prospect so I settled on this combination, especially since this bag would be a perfect companion to take on vacation with me this summer!

When its all said and done, this bag will certainly not be a candidate for the front of the pattern cover, but I think I WILL include on the back cover so folks can “somewhat” visualize it as a unisex bag. It may not be a perfect example of a “man purse” but I think our customers could look at this sample and get a pretty good idea about whether their guy would carry a bag like this back and forth to work!
And now…. it’s YOUR turn!
We’ve shown you all of our samples, we’ve let you have your say about which bag should grace the cover of our pattern and all that’s left now is to release it, right? And I’m pleased to say that all of the components are currently at the printer and as soon as we get the word we’ll start the staggered roll-out. So stay tuned for an announcement about that which should be forthcoming soon!
In the meantime, I’d love to know what you think of our “man-purse” sample. Would the guy in your life be willing to carry a bag similar to this? And remember, we love reading your comments and answering your questions too, so please feel free to leave either or both in the space provided below.
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