Eight Reasons to Make Your own Bias Tape

(I get so many questions about bias tape… how do I make it, how do I get such a smooth finish etc. etc., so I thought it was LONG PAST time that I did a series devoted to bias-taping so…here’s the 1st in a three-post mini-series.)

I can’t remember the last time I used store-bought bias tape and you’d probably be surprised at the amount of mail inquiring as to where I get various bias tapes I use. But here’s the deal… I actually make my own bias tape and have for many years now. That’s right, even when I use plain ol’ black bias tape… even then… I STILL make my own! Yeah I know there’s more than a few skeptics out there who are shaking their heads right about now, but hang with me while I give you,

Eight great reasons to make your own bias tape!

1. So it will totally match your project— Nothing is much worse than being almost done with a project and then having to finish off the edges with bias tape that at best is dull, boring and unimaginative. Let’s face it, commercial bias tape only comes in a dozen or so colors and the odds of finding prepackaged bias tape that would match this purse insert at left is well… slim to none to be exact! And it literally gives me shivers to think of how bad this Porta-PocketsPLUS purse insert would have looked with black, purple or God forbid, beige bias tape! YUCK!

Posted in Gadabout, Porta-PocketsPLUS Purse Insert, Tips & Tricks, Wrapsody

(I get so many questions about bias tape… how do I make it, how do I get such a smooth finish etc. etc., so I thought it was LONG PAST time that I did a series devoted to bias-taping so…here’s the 1st in a three-post mini-series.)

I can’t remember the last time I used store-bought bias tape and you’d probably be surprised at the amount of mail inquiring as to where I get various bias tapes I use. But here’s the deal… I actually make my own bias tape and have for many years now. That’s right, even when I use plain ol’ black bias tape… even then I STILL make my own! Yeah I know there’s more than a few skeptics out there who are shaking their heads right about now, but hang with me while I give you,

Eight great reasons to make your own bias tape!

Studio Kat Designs
Studio Kat Designs

1. So it will totally match your project— Nothing is much worse than being almost done with a project and then having to finish off the edges with bias tape that at best is dull, boring and unimaginative. Let’s face it, commercial bias tape only comes in a dozen or so colors and the odds of finding prepackaged bias tape that would match this purse insert at left is well… slim to none to be exact! And it literally gives me shivers to think of how bad this Porta-PocketsPLUS purse insert would have looked with black, purple or God forbid, beige bias tape! YUCK!

2.  It’s stretchier and more flexible!—  I don’t know what kind of fabric is used to make commercial bias tape, but it is by nature much stiffer and ‘thicker’ than the bias tape I make myself from quilter’s cotton. Which brings me to reason #3 and #4.

3.  It’s less bulky in the corners and seam areas—  It may not seem significant to you, but the additional thickness or heft in commercial bias tape can really add bulkiness and difficulty during the application process. After all, the process of bias-taping your seams actually adds FOUR extra layers to sew thru!

4.  It MUCH easier to achieve a smooth, ‘waveless’ finish— The bias tape I make for myself is stretchier and easier to control, so the odds of me achieving a smooth, flawless look are much greater than with commercial bias tape.

5.  I can make it the EXACT width I need—  Just in case you didn’t know it, bias tape can be TOO WIDE. That’s right, if your bias tape is too wide, it’s automatically going to be more prone to lumps and waviness during the application process & since commercial bias tape is really only available in a couple of widths, this is a significant problem. Yeah… you can reduce the width if you want, but that pretty much means ironing out the original folds, cutting away the excess and then re-pressing the folds in place, which probably explains why most folks just opt to leave the excess width in place and end up with an inferior finished look

6.  It’s less expensive—  Unless your bias taping a huge project (like a queen-size quilt), you really don’t need 3 yards of bias tape. It’s a little cheaper to just make your own.

7.  It can really make your project POP!— I find that most people just think of bias tape as something that will blend in or ‘disappear’ into their project’s final look. But why not think of bias tape as a way of defining, completing, or at least making your project even CUTER?  Would this bag at right have been anywhere near as compelling without the polka-dotted bias tape?

8.  It makes a GREAT gift!—  Got some sewing buddies? I’m willing to bet that they might just FLIP over receiving a few yards of some FUN bias tape trim! (Think about black & white stripe or polka dot as being neutral… which it pretty much is!) Imagine their delight when they open their gift and find a FUN assortment of black & white prints, stripes or polkadots to ‘play’ with!

Not sure how to get started?

Just stay tuned for our next post in this mini-series, when we’ll demonstrate for you (with color pictures) just how easy it is to create your own bias tape trim!

And now… it’s YOUR turn!

Which type of bias tape do YOU use? Do you generally make your own, or do you purchase it commercially? I would love for you to share your preference as well as the reasoning behind your choice!


And don’t forget, we actually LOVE questions and comments too, so if you’d like to share yours, we’d love that! And if you enjoyed this post, please feel free to share it via FaceBook or Twitter!
